The Birth of a New Princess of Heart and Her Twin Brother

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Nine months has passed, Kairi has went into Labor. Kairi gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, who she and Sora name Kari, Kari resembles her mother with her blue eyes, but her brown/brunette hair came from her father. She also have birth Kion her color hair came from his mother while his eyes came from both of his parents.

Kairi laid on the hospital bed, staring down at her new born daughter. Sora stood next to his wife staring down at his new born daughter, both parents cried tears of joy, they were both happy that they were now parents of a beautiful baby girl and handsome baby boy. Kari was a gift, their gift of joy, the Guardians of light and the Foretellers came to the hospital to visit the new parents, they walked into the room and smiled at the new born twins.

It's been two days, the doctor allows Kairi and Kari to go home, Sora went to the hospital to get his wife and new born children, when they got home. Karo and Kion was sleeping, so they put their children into their cribs and went into their bedroom, Kairi laid down on their bed, she felt tired and sore.

"Welcome home, my love." Sora smiled at her.

"It's good to be home again," Kairi smiled back at him. "Sora can you used curaga please, I'm really in pain."

"Sure thing, my love." He summons his Keyblade and used curaga on her. "Heal!"

Kairi smiled. "Thanks love, I feel better now, it feels I never gave birth."

Sora chuckles and kisses his wife on her cheek. "You're welcome, I'm glad your feeling better."

Sora then went into the twins bedroom and walks over to where they were sleeping at and gave them a kiss on their foreheads. "Welcome to the family Kari and Kion." He said to them, he then went back into his and Kairi's bedroom.

Kairi got up and went into the bathroom and brush her teeth, she washes her mouth out with water and mouth wash, she took off her dirty clothes and got into the shower and washes her hair and her body, after she was done, she turn off the water and got out of the shower and dry herself off, she walks into her and Sora's bedroom and got on her underwear and a night gown, she laid down on the bed, Sora went into the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his mouth out with water and mouth wash, he then turn on the water and took off his dirty clothes, he got into the shower to wash his hair and his body, when he was done, he turn off the water and got out of the shower, he dry his self off and went into his and Kairi's bedroom and got on his shorts and laid down next to his wife. Sora looked over at his wife and saw that she was sleeping, he smiled at her and kisses her cheek, before going to sleep, his self while he holds her close to him.

The next day, they got ready and left the island, Riku and Namine went along with them. When they came to the tower they met up with the formal master.

"Good to see you all came." Yen Sid said.

"We could come Master Yen Sid." Riku said.

"Kairi, how are you?" Yen Sid asked the auburn/red-haired woman,

"I'm fine, thank you."

"May, I see the children?"

"Sure." Kairi brought the twins closer to Yen Sid so he could see their face.

"So the stars speaks the truth, I knew this was coming."

"Is everything okay with them?" Sora asked.

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