Part 46

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I was pacing back and forth in front of the door waiting for Noah. I keeped on checking my phone. It felt like hour but it was only 10 minutes soon I got a knock on the door. So I opened it to see Noah standing there with my Chick-fil-A order.
"I go your usual order" Noah says as he hugs me.
We moved to the kitchen and started eating. I didn't know where to start.
"So I have something to tell you" I said shoving fries in my mouth so I wouldn't have to say anything.
"Is something wrong? You can always tell me anything" Noah said as he moves closer to me.
"I found out yesterday that I was pregnant" I said as I hand him the pregnancy test.
"Pregnancy!!! Omg I'm so excited!! Wait are you happy about this?!" He pulls me into a hug and then stop to ask him if I'm happy. And he seemed happy.
"Yes!! At first I was terrified but then I realized it was a blessing from god. I'm so happy" I said with a big smile  over my face.
"I can't wait to see my baby girl or boy. We need to get an apartment, a crib, we need to think about baby names, ohhh when's your first doctors appointment!!! I'm so excited so much to do in so little time!!!" Noah said with a big smile over his face. He was so excited and so was I.

I hope you guys like this and again sorry for any grammar or spelling errors.

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