Part 55

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*a couple months later*
It's been a couple months since I found out I was pregnant. Today I have a doctors appointment to find out the gender. Noah was so excited he was having a dance party in the kitchen. "Noah we need to leave soon so please go get ready" I yelled from the bathroom fixing my makeup. I was so excited to find out if I was having a boy or a girl. "I hope it's a girl but if it's a boy that's okay" Noah yelled from the kitchen. We finished getting ready and got into the car to go to the doctor.
*I'm skipping the car ride*
The doctor was checking the heart beat and all that normal stuff. "The baby sounds healthy" the doctor said. "The gender is a baby ________" me and Noah looked at each other. We where so excited.


I'm sorry this is so short I'll make long IRL next time.
But do you think it's a baby girl or a baby boy???

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