Part 66

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I wish people could understand the truth
What truth?
What's the truth about Jaden?
The truth that you and Noah hooked up behind mine and Jadens backs for weeks. Funny truth
WTF!!! I thought Noah was a good guy
From what I heard he said that mads pressured him into doing it.
Facts on what shadow said
I just want to publicly apologize for everyone I hurt, I was in the wrong and shouldn't have cheated. I was so confused and that's not an excuses and I am so very sorry and it may not mean anything but I really am.


I just wanna hold this strong girl in my arms forever!!! She's been through so much in her life and she deserves everything

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I just wanna hold this strong girl in my arms forever!!! She's been through so much in her life and she deserves everything.
Tag @Shadow
Shadow: trevion 🥺 I love you ❤️
Michealtreivon: @Shadow I love you too
Cynthia; treat her well
Jaden: goals
User333: I can tell he treats her well!! She's been through so much and has such a hard past and she deserves happiness.
Candiceking: I'm glad you're happy!! I can't wait to meet her.

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