Chasing After You.

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Jamal stood there watching his mother pace, and Andre on the phone with someone

"So I knew he was gonna go crazy sooner or ever..the man dealing with Cookie Lyon."
Hakeem half-joked, Cookie side-eyed him.." Hakeem, I don't think its the time for jokes." Jamal told him "Ight.." Hakeem spoke putting his hands in surrender, "Dammit!" Andre shouted hanging up the phone "What is it?!" Cookie asked going up to Andre

"Nobody said they saw him." Andre said sighing "Have y'all called Thirsty?" Asked Hakeem, everybody turned to him..
Hakeem step backed getting nervous from everybody staring at him

"Smart Idea! Dumbass."
Jamal shouted,
Hakeem rolled his eyes..Andre opened his phone and started to Call thirsty
"Thristy!" Andre yelled in the phone
"Whats up Boss Man Jr." Thirsty spoke smiling
"You talked to my father?" Andre asked, putting him on speaker phone so cookie could hear..There was a pause "Hello?" Andre asked..Cookie looked at Andre she then got up and took the phone
"Thirsty! I know either Lucious spoke to you or seen you! So where is he?!" Cookie shouted "Ok Ok...Calm down BossLady.. He went after Damon." Thirsty admitted

"He did WHAT?!"

With Lucious

"So The Lyon came to visit?" Damon asked Walking up to Him, Lucious chuckled "No Time for jokes..We need to get serious." Lucious said grabbing his gun.."So you decided to mess with my- you know what "The Lyons" Wife..and run freely?" Lucious asked chuckling.."Lucious..Why don't you go cry to yo crazy ass mama? I mean you ain't nothing but a bitch!" Damon shouted at him..Lucious shot up in the air, Damon flinched from the gunshot.."Now..Why bring that up?" Lucious asked, "I mean man it's a shame." Damon responded, Lucious glared at him.."Look.. I ain't got time for your nonsense Man." Lucious told him pointing his gun towards him, Damon stepped back..
"They was right when they said you was crazy." Damon Spoke grabbing his gun from his waistband, Lucious grinned.."Okay enough small talk then."


With Cookie and The Boys.

"Thirsty! What the hell do you mean he's trying to kill Damon?!" Cookie asked
"Hes trying to kill Damon." Thirsty told her for the 30th time.
"Oh Hell.." Both Jamal and Hakeem said at the same time..
"Ma, Do you know where damo-" Hakeem cut him off "Why would she know where Damon Lives?" Hakeem questioned, Jamal turns to him "Have you not been listening?" Jamal asks, "Whatchu mean?" Jamal facepalms

"Nigga!-" "Ma was friends with Damon without Pops knowing and Pops is trying to kill Damon for touching her." Andre interrupts him, "Dad was hella hurt man." Jamal adds "He was mad,Dude HE CAME TO ME CRYIN-" Cookie cuts him off

"We get it Jamal." Cookie informs him "Oh Alright." "And yeah Dre..I know where he lives." She told him, "Ard, Let's go then!" "Juanita tell Webb To Bring the Car Around!" Cookie yells "Yes Mrs. Lyon." Juanita says giving them their coats, "He cried to you?" Hakeem asked jamal as they walked out "Yes Fam! It was SAD, He had full blown tears!" Jamal told him

"Man! Mom brings the bitch outta him!" Hakeem laughs, Cookie smacks them both behind their heads "Ma-!" Cookie cut him off "It ain't funny! And Stop talking so damn much Jamal!" Cookie snaps, "Ma'am The Cars Ready For You." Juanita informs her, Cookie nods "Get Y'all stupid asses to the car." Cookie snaps, Hakeem mumbles something under his breath as They walked outside "Whatchu say boy?" Cookie yells, "NOTHING!" Hakeem yells back

With Lucious

"You see I don't get why you're so mad.." "You don't get that..I didn't chase after her..and She came to me?" Damon questions, Lucious just stared at him "I mean-" Damon was cut off by getting a call, Lucious and Damon looked the Caller ID "Cookie Lyon" "There she is right now." Damon smiles, Lucious's Nostril flares and his jaw clenched, "Hello?" Damon asks picking up the phone

"Yes, Beautiful." Damon says to make Lucious even more mad, "Yes..Don't Worry I'm fine." Damon smiles, "Yes.." "No." "No Cook." Lucious raised a brow "Hang up the damn phone!" Lucious barked, "Calm down Lyon." Damon tells him, Lucious ignores him "PUT THE DAMN PHONE DOWN NOW BEFORE I MAKE YOU!" Lucious growls "Alright..Alright." Damon hangs up the phone


"FUCK! THIS SON OF BITCH HUNG UP!" Cookie yells, "Dammit." Andre mumbles, "Dad obviously made him didn't you hear that yelling?" Hakeem asked, "Yeah he sounds mad." Jamal adds, Hakeem and Andre Nods in agreement, "How we gonna get in?" Jamal asks, Everybody turns to thirsty. "Lucious has his goons blocking the entrance, So we'll need to find another way in." Thirsty tells them, Andre nods and leans in then speaks "Okay..So here's the plan."


"You're really making me mad." Lucious informs him "I can tell." Damon chuckles, Lucious sucks his teeth and raises a brow, He tilted his head to the side and smiled "You think this shit is funny?" Lucious Asked Lowly, "If that's what you call it..Me and you are different. Cause If I was would've been dead by now." Damon says touching his gun, Lucious smiled

"Yeah we are different." Lucious says looking at one of goons The Goon nods then nods at two others, They both get behind Damon, Damon notices it and turns around "Whats happening here?" Damon asks, Lucious smiled "I don't know you tell me." Lucious spoke, As he was turned around Lucious pointed his gun towards Damon as he was about to shoot he was cut off by the door opening Damon and Lucious turned to the door

"Lucious..Damon, Nice To See You Two Again.."



𝒲𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒫𝑒𝑜𝓅𝓁𝑒 𝒟𝑜 𝐹𝑜𝓇 𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now