Second Guessing My Loyalty.

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"Waiting takes time and patients, Do you have that for me?"
Can You Wait For Me?

Would You Wait For Me?

Do you love me enough to?

Did He Love Her Enough To?

Did He Wait For Her?

No, So Why Should She?

Cookie sighed, waiting for her sister as She sat at Pat's King of Steaks..A Place Her and Her sister use to meet at all the time before She got locked up..Cookie started to fidget with her Necklace as She waited, She missed him like Crazy..It's been 4 Months and They still can't find him.

Cookie's trying her best not to lose hope, She loves him too much to..But It's Hard, Hard for her to stay strong for herself and her sons.

Her Phone dinged..Checking It, It was just her sisters telling her they were almost there, She texted them back before putting the phone back in her pocket..Suddenly she was tapped on the shoulder making her Look Up, "Cookie?, Right?" The Person asked, She raised a brow
"Yes..Do I know you?" She questioned, The Person smiled.

"Yes, but I don't think you remember me." He said making her even more confused, She couldn't put a ring on who He was.."Mark from School, Me You and Lucious use to hang out back in the day." He said, There It was..Cookie made a 'Oh' face before Cookie smiling wide "Oh, Mark!" She said standing up and giving him a hug, He laughed hugging her aswell before pulling back "You look Good as Always." He said making Cookie smile.

" He said making Cookie smile

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"You Look Good Too." Cookie complimented, Mark smiled wide "Thank You." He said "So How's Lucious and The Boys?" The Smile On Cookie's Face quickly disappeared "Uh The Boys Are Fine." She told him, "And Lucious?" He questioned "Ion wanna get into that." She said as Her Sisters enter the room..

"Well I'll talk to you later My sisters are here." Cookie said as Mark turned to around to see Carol and Candace entering the diner "Well Okay..Here's my number." He said giving Cookie his number "Call Me." He told her,

"I will." She said pulling him into a hug..One That lasted too long until Carol came and broke it up. "Okay, That's enough..Go On Wit Yo Day CowBoy." Carol told him smiling, Whenever Cookie did something that's too touchy on a male She would quickly hop on Lucious's side.

"Who's that?" Candace asked, As Soon as They sat down.. "One Of Me and Lucious's old friends." Cookie told her, Carol glared at him as He sat down with one of his friends.. "Y'all look like more then friends to me." Carol said making Cookie look up "Well He did have a little thing for me." Cookie admitted making Carol turn to her "Did Lucious Know?" Candace asked, Cookie quickly shrugged her shoulders..

"I think He Did, Because I've never seen him..and I use to hang wit you lovebirds a lot.." Carol said looking him up and down "Anyways I don't like him." Carol said crossing her arms, Cookie raised a brow "Why Not?" Cookie asked "He looks a little too fishy to me." Carol told her, Candace rolled her eyes "Ignore her, She don't like nobody that's not Lucious."

"And if I don't? They literally soulmates, They're meant to be." Carol said, Cookie eyes hit the ground. "I don't care" Candace said mugging Carol. "Shes supposed to wait for him while He's gone." Carol told her, Candace raised a brow "He didn't wait for her." Candace said making Cookie look up.

"Candace still, That's the love of her life—"Carol started only to be cut off "and Lucious said She was his and He didn't wait." Cookie stared at her, Candace was actually making a point..He didn't wait.

"Candace she gotta be the bigger person." Carol told her, getting upset "No, He didn't wait So Why Should She?" 'Why Should I?' Cookie asked herself turning to look at Mark, He smiled at her..She smiled back.

"Cook! Don't tell me you're thinking about it." Carol snapped, Cookie stared at her sister with a smirk on her face.. "He gave you his number right?" Candace asked, Cookie nodded as She texted him "Ask Him If He wants to go out." Candace said making Cookie do exactly what She said, Cookie looked up smiling.

"He said Yes!" She told her sister, Candace smiled wide as Carol shook her head "And you said you wanted this marriage to work, He's trying Cookie..and You're about to ruin it all for payback." That Was All Carol said before walking away and leaving the diner, Cookie stared at her sister..Should She Be Doing this?
"Ignore her." Candace told her, Cookie turned to her sister frowning.

While He's being Loyal, Shes second guessing her loyalty.
The Boys all raised a brow when They heard banging on their parents door, Andre quickly grabbed the nearest thing He could find and That was his fathers gun, He slowly opened the door..pointing the gun to person, "Dre?" The Person asked, Andre sighed seeing It was his Aunt Carol "Aunt Carol don't be scaring us like that." Andre told her, Carol smiled nodding before entering the house.

"Yeah Andre could've blown a cap in you."Hakeem said "Blown a cap in me?" Carol repeated "Yeah." Hakeem nodded "You mean shot me?" Carol asked, Hakeem nodded once again "Why didn't you just— You Know What Never Mind, I need to talk to y'all." Carol said making all the boys nod, Andre set down his dad gun before sitting down in the family room.

"Your Mother Is Second Guessing Her Loyalty."Carol said making the boys raise a brow "What do you mean?" The boys asked at the same time. "You Know A Mark?" Everybody nodded but Keem"Yeah, My Pops use to talk about him all the time."Andre told her.

"In a good way?" Carol questioned, Jamal and Andre shook their heads "No." "He would say 'Any niggas try to touch my wife again, you gonna end up in a body bag just like Mark.' Or some shit like that." Andre said, Jamal nodded  "What do you mean?" Carol asked, Hakeem stared at them confused "Dad Would Always Tell Us.."  Jamal trailed....

"Jamal, Andre Come Here." They did exactly what their father said "Y'all remember Mark?" Lucious asked, The Boys Nodded "You see that bag over there?" Lucious asked, The Boys turned to see the bag before turning to their father and nodding once again "Tell Any Nigga that try to touch your mom again They gonna end up in a body bag just like Mark." The Boys stared at their father.

"Tell Them My Daddy's gonna beat they ass?" Jamal asked, A Smile formed on Lucious's face "Or My Dad's gonna blow a cap in yo ass." Andre added, Lucious nodded with a smile on his face "Yeah, Do That But Just Don't cuss around yo momma or she really gonna beat yo ass." Lucious told them as He fisted bumped his sons.

"Why Though?" Andre asked, "It looks Mark's back." The Boys raised a brow "But Dad Said He killed him." Jamal said, confused "I guess He didn't."


"You Lyons gonna pay for you did."

"You remember her?" He heard someone asked, before sliding a photo of Cookie into his view..Lucious raised a brow..Of Course He knows his wife.

When they didn't get a response, The person  smirked "Thats Cookie Lyon." The Person said, "No Duh" Lucious thought as they went on..For Some Reason He just couldn't speak.

"You forgot your own wife?" The Person asked, Lucious looked up at them before chuckling "Baby that's Cookie Lyon..She's unforgettable."

"Good, Cause Soon She'll be forgetting you even existed." The Person said making Lucious raise a brow before blacking out.

𝒲𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒫𝑒𝑜𝓅𝓁𝑒 𝒟𝑜 𝐹𝑜𝓇 𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now