"If it Ain't One Thing Its Another."

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"Lucious..Damon, Nice To See You Two Again.."

"Giuliana Green..I thought you were dead." Damon says as She walked In, "You Thought Wrong Cross.." She said making Damon smirk, "Lucious Lyon..." She said going over to him, Lucious quickly stepped back, She smiled as He sighed When He trapped hisself, Stepping closed to him She touched his face "Did you miss me?" She asked, Lucious just stared at her in response.

She tried to kiss him, But He moved his face making her smile "Now Why do you do that?" She questioned smiling grabbing his face to make him look at her, Lucious smiled back and put his ring finger up, She quickly removed her hands "He's Married?" Lucious nodded "Yep." Damon answered, She turned to Damon "To What! To Who?!" Giuliana screamed making Lucious smile widen "Mrs. Cookie Lyon."They Both answered, Giuliana snapped her head at Lucious

"YOU MARRIED THAT BITCH?" Giuliana screamed, "Aye don't be callin her a bitch." Lucious barked "Oh Fuck You!" Giuliana shouted "Oh You wish, don't you?" Lucious shouted back, Giuliana sighed as A Female Walked In Giuliana walked over to the female and whispered something In her ear..Everything Went Dark after that.


"Hakeem, I don't got time for you and Jamals nonsense." Cookie snaps as Hakeem and Jamal argued, "Yeah, We Still gotta look for dad." Andre says "I still don't know how y'all lost a 51 year old man." Hakeem says walking away from Jamal, "We ain't lose him Dumbass." Jamal snaps at him "Why you keep tryna start shit wit me?" Hakeem asked "bitch—" Cookie cuts them off by snapping her fingers "Hakeem Jamal Lyon!, I don't want to fucking hear y'all asses, We gotta look for yo fucking father!" Cookie snaps at them, Hakeem sticks out his bottom lip as He watches Jamal roll his eyes and walk over to Andre, Cookie sighs 'If it ain't one thing there's another.'


"So I came here to kill somebody, But Magically We End Up Getting Kidnapped by you." Lucious says as The Female Tie Him And Damon Up "You know this yo fault, Right?" Lucious asks turning to Damon "My Fault?" Damon asks "Yes Yo Fault Nigga! If you wasn't sleeping with my wife this wouldn't be happening!" Lucious snaps at him "It ain't my fault yo wife like this—" The Female Cuts Him Off "If I hear y'all arguing one more time, Ima cut both of y'all dicks off!" She snaps making Lucious suck his teeth "Try Me." The Woman glared at him, Lucious glared at her back "You act just like my wife." Lucious smirks

"Your Wife Must Be Amazing Woman." The Female says making Lucious smile "Oh She Is." Lucious says, Damon's rolls his eyes "In Bed." Damon continues making Lucious snap his head at him "Can We Just Kill Him and Leave?" Lucious growled growing annoyed with Damon "Try Me." Damon challenges "Shoot him for me I'll pay you." Lucious tells the female turning to her, She raised a brow "I swear to god, I cross my heart son." Lucious says making the female laugh

"Now..Lucious Lyon, We Know Damn Well you don't care about No Jesus Or God." The Female Said Making Them suck his teeth "I will today." Lucious says making the female think, "Ight." Damon eyes widen "What—" Before He could skip the female shoots him in the foot making Lucious burst into laughter "Do It Again! Do It Again!" Lucious says turning to the female "Double The Pay." The Female says making Lucious smile "Double The Pay, Double The Pay." Lucious quickly repeats nodding, The Female Quickly turns to Damon "WAIT, WAIT—!"Damon screams "I'll pay triple." Damon says making The Girl smirk and turn to Lucious "Now You Know He don't got money like that." Lucious says making The Girl Chuckle, Damon glared at Lucious. Lucious scrunched up his face

"You actin like I'm Lyin'." "You are lying Lyon, You always lie..you lied to your Wife..To Your Sons..Your Own Mother." Damon says making Lucious raise a brow "Mayne..—" Damon cuts him off by letting out a small chuckle "Go Ahead and Lie, Like The Lying Bastard you are." "Chill Out With That Bastard Shit." "Bastard..Bastard..Bas--" "I swear if you don't kill one of us Ima kill you both." Lucious shouts  growing annoyed with Damon's Childish Petty Ass, Damon smirks


"I don't think it's working." Hakeem says as His mother began to pace "Of Course It wouldn't!, Your Father Always does some shit to fuck it up!" Cookie snaps "I don't think it's his fault." Andre says "It always his fault." Jamal tells him as His Mother stopped pacing and sighed "I don't have time for this." Cookie groaned, Hakeem sat by his mother and rubbed her back "It's gonna be Okay Ma." Hakeem tries to comfort "No it's not Hakeem, Yo Fathers Always doing something If It ain't one thing it's another, I'm getting old Hakeem I don't have time for his nonsense." All The Boys Gasp "Cookie Lyon Admitting Shes getting old?!" Hakeem yells "Whats happening to this world?!" Andre and Jamal shouts

"Believe It Or Not I Am." Cookie spoke "Oh I'm believing it." Hakeem says earning a slap in the head "Shut The Hell Up." She snaps making them all smile "The Cookie dough gettin—" "Don't finish that sentence." Cookie snaps cutting off Jamal, He smirks "You know I love you Ma!" Jamal says hugging his mom "Ewghh, Get Away from me." Cookie says pushing Jamal away, Jamal laughed at his mother

Jamal sighed and went home after another day of looking for his father, How The Hell— Then It Hit Him. He quickly grabbed his keys and left.


"KEEM!" Jamal yelled banging on Hakeem's door, "KEEM—" He gets cut off by the door opening "You know My kids here today, Right? Tryna wake em' up?" Hakeem snaps "Look At You being a Father."Jamal smiles stepping In, He scrunched up his face looking around "disgusting." He said kicking a piece of trash "Mhm.." He hums "Uncle Jamal?" A Voice asked, They Turned to see Bella and Prince. "You puttin them to sleep." Hakeem says as Bella and Prince Run to Jamal "Mhm! My Babies!" Jamal said kissing Prince and Bella

"Why Are You Here?" Hakeem asked when Bella and Prince Settle Down "Well..I found a way to get dad." Jamal tells him "How? We Gotta Tell Mom—" Jamal quickly cuts him off "Without Mom." Jamal says making Hakeem raise a brow "Jamal—?, Jamal telling me NOT to tell Cookie Lyon?" Hakeem asked

"Yes, Don't We Gotta This On The Low.." Jamal tells him

"Mission Save Lucious Lyon?"

𝒲𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒫𝑒𝑜𝓅𝓁𝑒 𝒟𝑜 𝐹𝑜𝓇 𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now