|~Chapter 1~|Thinking up a plan

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    It was a cool and calming day when the cutie mark crusaders met Glory and because her first friends after being alone in the forest for many years beforehand,

but every time the cutie mark crusaders tried to tell the mane six about Glory, they were always brushed off to the side like what they said about

Glory was just another filly story they heard from an old traveler or a tall tale from another filly

   No pony believed that they befriended another draconaquus because every pony believed Discord was the last of his kind.
  The three young fillies tried to get Glory to leave the forest to meet every pony in Ponyville, but she always said the same thing.
" I'm deeply sorry, but I don't really do well in ' all eyes on me ' types of situations. Sorry."  
  The three young fillies tried to tell Discord that Glory was indeed not a fillies story, but he would always just leave with a confused look on his face.
The three were about to give up when Sweetie belle said " Hey maybe counselor Starlight could help us!"

  The three friends looked at each other in agreement and went off to ask Starlight for assistance with convincing three of the mane six

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