~Chapter 2: An Startling Meeting~

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I did it!!!

Another update!!


>(≧▽≦)> now onto the story

The three fillies managed to convince Rarity, Rainbow dash, and Applejack to go with them into the forest after talking with Starlight Glimmer and getting her to help.

The two older sisters and the role model of the young fillies figured if they were telling the truth, they'd know where to look first, after all why would they lie about something like discord not being the only one of his kind?

As the three older ponies followed the younger three to where their friend lived, the older ponies were in for a surprise they'll never forget while the CMC had planned the entire day with Glory.

"Glory's POV"

They told me to wait for them as they bring a surprise, I don't know whether to feel excited or scared with those three, but they're great friends so I shouldn't be to worked up about it.
They said wait by this tree, but I'm gonna sit on the lower branch while I wait for the three. Why is this spot so warm.....must not..fall...asleep...must...resist...the.. urge.. to.. fall.. asleep

*Three hours later*
( time skip because why not?!)

"GLORY, ARE YOU HERE?!?" Yelled Sweetie belle

My eyes spring open wide after hearing the sudden sound from the once quiet forest as I held on to the tree branch before I could fall out of the tree.

I looked down to see the young three as they came running over to where I was, with big smiles on their faces, as I slowly made my way down from where I was to them

I noticed three older looking ponies with a very shocked look on their faces, but two of the three looked to be the older sisters of both Apple bloom and Sweetie belle.

The last pony I'm guessing is Scootaloo's idol, Rainbow dash due to her rainbow mane and tail

"I'm gonna guess and say you three didn't think I was here due to the shocked look on your faces." I said to the older three as they cautiously made their way over to us.

"My names Glory, it's nice to meet new friends" I told them, they seemed to calm down a bit after hearing that.

The light blue pegasus was the first to say her name, "oh hi, My names Rainbow dash, The Awesome Wonderbolt." She said with a confidence smile,
I smiled and told her that Scootaloo told me a lot about her as she pulled Scootaloo into a hug with her wing with her now softened smile.

"Well darling, My name is Rarity, older sister of Sweetie belle and this is Applejack, older of Apple Bloom. It's quite nice to nice you too."

The white unicorn said while introducing the orange earth pony.
"We're sorry for not believin ya three" Applejack said to all three fillies.

"I'm gonna guess and say that you're not used to meeting a draconaquus or that you three had a bad run-in with a draconaquus." I said to the older three. They nodded their head in agreement as Rainbow dash spoke "Yeah, we had a bad run-in with a draconaquus after the elements of harmony went missing, but twilight found them in an old book."

I looked at her in shock after I heard that "The elements went missing?! Oh and before I forget to ask, what happened to nightmare moon and did Princess Luna ever return after Tia banished nightmare to the moon?"
I asked with confusion and hint a sadness in my voice, about this new information they all looked at me with unreadable faces.

"Wait, Do you know the Princesses? Rarity asked me
"Of course, they were very my first true friends before Luna turned into nightmare moon,and way before I met these young three, then Tia just suddenly stopped visiting and answering the letters I sent ." I answered them, "Do ya wanna see'em again? Applejack asked with a sad look.

"I want too, but I don't want to frighten anyone with my appearance." I said looking down "Maybe you could try that appearance spell you were working on, then you could come with us." Scootaloo said with a smile

"I could try that, but right now it only works if I'm outside, I really need to work on that part." I told Scootaloo
"So, will you come with us this time??" She asked with a big smile
I smiled back and said "Only if the older sisters are comfortable with it." The young fillies looked at the older three as they said they were fine with it. I then turned into a white unicorn with a purple and light blue streaked mare and tail with a morning glory cutie mark. Then we all made our way to Ponyville.


Hope y'all enjoyed the update ☺ another should be done in two or three weeks due to school or zoom classes

And remember!

~Stay turned folks~

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