Logan was still smiling as he walked through the Conservatory's front doors. He can't get over how Virgil ACTUALLY though that Logan was attracted to females. Ha! The thought is almost as laughable as Virgil's expression when Logan asked him to the Party. Virgil really is too cute for for his own good.
Speaking of the Party, Logan realized that he still needed to ask his boss if he could bring a plus one.
It should be fine, Mr. Ezzo always offered him a Plus 1 card. Logan just always declined it. He simply never had a need for one. Until now!
Even though the Party may not be a joyous occasion for Logan, he still can't wait, simply for the fact that he will be there with Virgil.
It is a light day of work, Logan was only tasked with giving 2 tours and mapping out part of a Nebula that the Conservatory was going to give a presentation on.
As soon as Logan finished giving his last tour, he figured that he could go ahead and talk with Mr. Ezzo. That way he could get the guidelines for the map and ask for a Plus 1 Card while he was at it.
Logan knocked on Mr. Ezzo's door, and smiled politely as be entered. Then he saw Michael.
Logan's expression dropped for all of 5 seconds before he schooled his features into a look of contentment.
Luckily, neither Mr. Ezzo nor Michael seemed to notice Logan's sudden change in demeanor.
"Good afternoon Logan! Have you come to ask about the regulations for your portion of the map?" Mr. Ezzo asked.
Logan nodded and Mr. Ezzo held up a folder. "This contains the regulations, and since it is a relatively small portion of the map and you are our fastest worker, I would like it done by the end of your shift tomorrow."
Logan took the folder and nodded. "I shall give it to you then, sir."
Mr. Ezzo smiled at Logan, and then Michael opened his mouth.
"Is there anything else, Logan?" Michael asked with a faint sneer on his face. "We we're discussing the final points of my promotion Party." Michael smirked and it took everything in Logan to keep an cool and controlled facade.
"Actually, I need to talk to you about that." Michael full on sneered now. "Listen Logan, I have already been chosen over you. Yes can't just co-"
"Actually," Logan said interrupting Michael's rant. " I just wanted to request a Plus 1 Card."
Mr. Ezzo looked faintly surprise, and Michael full on busted out laughing. Mr. Ezzo shushed Michael and turned to Logan.
"Sorry Logan, ignore him. I must say though, I am a bit surprised. You have never wanted a Plus 1 Card before. You even rejected the one I offered you yesterday. What changed?"
Logan thought of Virgil, and started smiling genuinely. Mr. Ezzo took note of the smile happily, but unfortunately, so did Michael.
"I didn't have anyone to give the Card to yesterday, but now I do. I actually asked him before I started my shift, and he said yes!" Logan said, happiness clear in his voice.
Mr. Ezzo smiled. "I'm glad Logan, of course you can have a Plus 1 Card!"
Michael picked up the Card and walked over to Logan.
"I agree. I can't wait to meet what type of guy has such a thing for robots." Logan froze, holding one end of the Card. Michael smirked. "Hopefully his face isn't as disgusting as his standards."
Logan's eyes narrowed as he yanked the Card out of Michael's grasp.
"I assure you, his looks far surpass yours." Logan said, still trying to remain calm.
"Well then, I can't wait to meet him!" Michael exclaimed while leading Logan to the door.
"I might just have to take him from you." Michael whispers as Logan walked out the door.
Logan turned around just in time to see a knowing smirk before Michael shut the door in his face.
Logan stayed in front of the door for a bit, trying to decide if it was worth it to go back and punch Michael. Deciding he needed a job more than he need satisfaction, he headed to start on the map.
Logan was going to make sure that it was the best map he's ever drawn for the Conservatory, because it just might be his last.

The Astronomer and The Florist
FanficLogan gets passed up for a promotion in favor of the boss's nephew, and he gets Virgil's help to say 'fuck you' in flowers. (It's better than it sounds, I promise)