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"Now what?" 

Baekhyun turned to Chanyeol while adjusting his robes. "I prefer t-shirts than these uncomfortable robes." He smiles reassuringly. "I don't think my Father's mad." Pertaining to Chanyeol's question.

"I mean, I can understand him. After all, you just came back and you're leaving again."

After Baekhyun declared that he's leaving, for good. His Father only looked at him before he left. His Mother was sad but she still smiled. "It's alright, just give your Father some time." And she followed him. His brother reassured him but he can't help but to feel nervous. Until now, he hasn't talked with his Father. Kyungsoo suggested to take a walk and relax, that's why, right now, they're at the townsquare. 

"Don't you feel uncomfortable, though?" Baekhyun asks Chanyeol and points his clothes. The taller is currently wearing a white long-sleeved under a red vest. It is partnered with gold pants and black boots. His slightly curly hair is styled properly.

Chanyeol grinned. "I look handsome, don't I? God, this is a dream come true! Say, what if something happened and I was the chosen one who will save your kingdom?" 

Baekhyun only shook his head while smiling. "You're like a kid." He tiptoed to pinch Chanyeol's cheeks.

"Sorry, I'm really happy right now. You know how I like games and I never thought I'd be able to experience what I play and watch." 

"No, it's alright. You just look cute. It's fascinating to see this side of yours." Since Chanyeol is fond of games, he brought Chanyeol to the townsquare. He can see Chanyeol's eyes shining brightly while eyeing the swords and potions displayed in some stores. "Do you want to go there?"

Chanyeol nods enthusiastically, making him chuckle. They entered the shop and when the owner saw them, panic was evident in his eyes. "Y-your highness!" He kneels down and bows.

"You can stand up now. You don't mind us taking a look, right?"

"Yes, please, take your time." The man said.

Chanyeol stretched out his hand to caress the sword. It felt majestic. He tries to suppress his smile but he couldn't. Making him grin ear to ear. 

After half an hour, they left the shop. Chanyeol was a little bit devastated but Baekhyun wants to show him something else. As they walk through the road, people kept greeting Baekhyun and bowing to them. They gave him lots of gifts and Baekhyun thanked them every one of them. 

"They must like you so much.." 

"When I feel suffocated with my responsibilities, I take a stroll around here." Baekhyun said while looking around. "It may be unbelievable but I love helping people a lot. But, I wanted to be selfish just this once. I want to be with you. I love my people but I can't lose you." He said with a sad smile.

He actually feels guilty leaving his family and people. Baekhyun knows that they will be devastated and disappointed in him. Ever since Sehun left, he shouldered all of the responsibilities. He faced a lot of fake people trying to befriend him for the benefit he would bring to them. 

Baekhyun loves Chanyeol's world. He can be free and he can do what he wants without being pressured. He wants to learn new things together with the man he loves. 

Seeing Baekhyun staring into nothing, Chanyeol sensed that Baekhyun might be feeling bad about his decision. He placed his hands over his cheeks. "Baek, if you feel guilty about it, I mean, it would be hard for me but if you want, I'll stay here with you." 

Baekhyun was surprised with what Chanyeol said. He didn't expect that. The idea would be nice but he shook his head. "No, it's alright. I want to stay in your world. I love my work at Junmyeon-hyung's shop. And, I know how much you love doing your work also. I've watched some of your videos and I can see how happy you are."

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