Happy New Year

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“Kate!” Castle called out my name and I looked at the door to our bedroom.

He popped in his head through the door and saw me. His face broke into a big smile and I couldn’t help but mirror it. He got inside and walked straight to me. He put his arms around my waist so I wrapped my arms around his neck.

“What are you doing hiding in here?” he asked and I looked into his eyes.

“I’m not hiding, I just wanted to take a look at myself in the mirror before we go, that’s all” I said and he chuckled. “What?”

“You don’t need to check the mirror, I can assure you that you look absolutely stunning” he said and I smiled feeling my cheeks getting a little hot.

“But you say I’m beautiful even when I’m in my pjs and haven’t fixed myself yet in the morning, so how do you expect me to trust your judgement?” I asked and looked into his eyes.

He smirked and leaned down to my ear.

“That’s because you always look stunning, mrs Castle” he whispered in my ear before he started kissing my neck.

I couldn’t help but close my eyes and let out a small moan. His lips made electricity shoot through my veins.

“Castle” I said and he hummed in response. “We should get going” I continued and he pulled away looking at me.

“Okay” he said and kissed me on my lips.

Once he pulled away he took my hand and together we went out to the living room where Martha and Alexis were waiting for us.

"You guys ready?" Alexis asked and looked at me. 

"Yeah, I think so. Alexis weren't you going with your friends?" I asked and she nodded.

"I am, I just thought I was going to go there with you guys and meet up with my friends there" she said and winked. 

"Ah okay, then let's go" I said and I looked at Castle. 

 We got out of the loft and walked towards the park where we had decided we would meet our friends. To our surprise Ryan, Jenny and little Sarah Grace was already there. 

"Heey, you ready for all the beautiful fireworks?" Jenny asked excited. 

"Of course we are!" Castle exclaimed and I faked a smile towards Jenny and Ryan.

Castle was the only one who could've seen that my smile was fake but, lucky me, he wasn't looking at me. Sarah Grace giggled and reached out her small hands towards me. I was quite surprised because she hadn't met me that many times that she could've started feeling comfortable with me. Jenny laughed at my facial expression and Ryan joined her.

"You wanna go to aunt Kate?" Jenny asked and I looked at her terrified. 

Sarah Grace said something on a language which didn't quite sound like english but it was baby language. Jenny laughed and handed me the baby. I took her in my arms and didn't know what to do. 

"Aww" I heard a familiar voice behind me and when I turned around I saw Lanie look at me with a wide smile. 

"Shut up" I mumbled and they all laughed. 

I handed back Sarah Grace to Jenny and Alexis cleared her throat.

"Well, I'm gonna go to my friends now, happy new year" she said and kissed Castle's cheek before she hugged me.

We all said good bye and wished a happy new year before she wandered off to her friends. I turned to Castle who looked at me with a funny smile on his lips. I narrowed my eyes but before I could ask Esposito interrupted.

Happy New Year (Castle One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now