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Third Person POV

"I want her."

"Well you can't have her. I had my touch on her soul first. In fact, I'm already feeding off of her."

"We had a deal, you give me a pure soul, and I give you your body in return." He got angry, his face turning red, as the devil.

This man smirked. He knew what he was doing. He didn't want his body back. He wanted to feel power. In this form, he felt so much that he needed more. He was arrogant. He was selfish. But he was good at lying. At acting. "Things change. People change. You know, it's not that bad."

"Whats. Not. That. Bad." The other said with gritted teeth.

"Being this. What you turned me into."

"You mean, what you turned yourself into. You have been giving me souls for years, AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME!"

"I have noticed how you got stronger. Why can't get stronger? Goodbye, old friend" He sealed the call, thinking he was wise. But oh boy. He was not smart at all, for he did not know what he got himself into. The other side of the call is going to give him a slow painful death. One that will scar him for life. He doesn't know yet about his release deal. And he doesn't plan on getting him thinking about it.

Rose's POV

I woke up to find a shadow at the edge of my bed. I sat up and stared at the shadow as it stared back at me. "Who are you?" The shadow revealed yellow eyes, but I couldn't see the face. It was covered in darkness. "WHO ARE YOU!?" He smiled evilly showing yellow teeth. He stepped out of the darkness and there, revealed a boy with yellow demon eyes and yellow sharp teeth staring at me.

I trembled, and he transformed into a demon. I screamed, and he lunged onto the bed, almost touching my lips and he signaled for me to be quiet. He laughed demonically, and I looked at him with wise fear.

"You, my dear, has a pure soul that I so dearly want to take." In a flash, someone tackled him, and went out of the window.

I pinched myself and woke up. I gasped and looked aroud the room to see the light shining through the window.

"It was just a dream." I mumbled to myself. I jumped to the sound of my phone vibrating as Calum texted me. I smiled at the thought of him texting a "good morning" and looked at the time. It was 8 in the morning and I still need to get to school.

I quickly stumbled out of bed, almost tripping and went to the bathroom to take a hot shower. I quickly turned the knob as I saw steaming water flow out, and put my hair in a bun. I quickly stepped in and relaxed for about 5 minutes laying there with my eyes closed.

When I closed my eyes, all I could see was the faint figure of what I had seen in my dream at night. I didn't know what happened, or how my crazy imagination came up with that stuff.

I opened my eyes and found my toothbrush, brushing my teeth still in the tub and quickly rinsed. I wrapped a towel around my body and looked up at the mirror.

I jumped back to find the mirror with written words. "I'm thinking about you." I shook and slid my hand across the mirror to shake the thought. I looked at my surroundings and rushed out of the bathroom remembering that I still had to go to school.

I quickly got dressed and only put mascara on my face.

(A/N the large spaces represent a different time and/or place)

I went inside the school and was met with faces I had known to recognize as the popular kids. But one face caught my eye. This wasn't a pretty boy, or a boy from a fraternity house. No. This was Calum Hood.

I furrowed my eyebrows together in confusion and started walking past before one of the popular kids started throwing insults at me.

I walked, nearing the end of the group when a familiar voice said my name. "ROOOOOSE!" I turned around in embarrassment and bit my lip in nervousness. "Yes?" I saw in a low voice. "Come over here." I hesitated and finally got the courage to walk to the large group.

"What is it?"
"You guys know Rose right?"
"Duh" A girl in a short skirt started eying me up and down licking her lips. I gulped and turned my attention back to Calum.
"Well, she's my best friend so don't be nasty to her alright?" I cleared my throat and no one said anything but just gave me a look. They rolled their eyes and nodded and said "alright" and other things.

The bell rang and I was relieved that I didn't have to be embarrassed anymore by this asshole. "I have to go." I quickly went down the hall when I saw a dark figure at the corner and left it alone. It was probably one of the teenagers playing a trick on people.

I went into the classroom and took a seat in one of the middle section seats. "What is imagining?" The professor proposed the question to everyone and one of the smartest people answered.

"Imagining is when you are caught in a daydream and your mind makes up something that you want it to."

"Correct Max! Ok, partial to that, we will be watching a documentary on the brain and how scientists still can't figure out how people dream."

As the screen pops up, the first four words pop up with blood dripping down "I'm thinking about you" I stood up, and excused myself. Without getting an answer back, I grabbed my belongings and went out of school.

Just when I was walking towards the parking lot, a ring came from my phone. Andrew was calling me.

(A/N: "A" is Andrew and "R" is Rose)

A: Hello? Rose?
R: Yeah? Hi.
A: Oh. Hi. I just wanted to ask if you were free-

Static was interfering with the call.

R: Andrew? Is this your connection or mine? Hello?

Unknown Voice: I'm thinking about you.

I gasped and dropped the phone. I looked at my surroundings and saw no sign of life. At the edge of my car, a black shadow moved and went under my car. My heart pumping loudly, I walked towards my car and bent down to see what was under.

I shakily bent my head down and trained my eyes on the dark shadow that my car casted. But there was only darkness and just stayed there for a while. I closed my eyes to calm myself down as I laid there.

Opening my eyes, I screamed as I came face to face with full yellow eyes and a devilish smirk. I hurriedly got up and opened the door. I raced down the Parking lot and stopped near the highway. I breathed in and out rapidly, and the sudden change of weather turned cold as ice.

I shivered and tried to open the door. It wouldn't budge and I started screaming to get out.


"Never." A faint demon voice said from the back. I looked into the car mirror scared out of my mind and saw the same thing with yellow eyes and yellow teeth. But this time, his teeth were full with blood tripping out of his mouth as he smiled a wide smile. Screaming, I pushed my foot on the pedal and drove wildly.

Everything came in a rush as I jerked. My heart and head was pounding. I could see no trace of blood at the back seat. I was confused. I was afraid.

"You'll summon me soon."
A faint demonic voice faded and I screamed one last time as The world turned into darkness.

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