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I jerked awake. I was having one of those dreams where you fall off a cliff, and then have a mini heart attack, which wakes you up. I sighed, keeping my eyes closed. Hopefully I could fall back to sleep. I didn't even want to look at the clock. After a few moments, I opened my eyes anyways. I was immediately shocked at what I saw. This was definitely not my room. Was I at a sleep over? A relatives house? I looked around the room It was beautiful, and grown up.It was my dream room. When I looked at the mirror, my heart stopped. Instead of seeing my reflection, I saw a very shocked looking Eleanor Calder looking back at me. A million thoughts raced through my mind.

What the hell is going on?!

How did this happen?!

Where am I?! 

Is this a dream?!

I was pretty sure this was a dream. I mean, people don't just wake up in other peoples bodies! That's unnatural!

I pinched my - or Eleanor's- arm as hard as I possibly could. I bit my lip, trying not to scream. The pain I just felt was terrifyingly real.

My thoughts- and heart- were still racing. I looked down at 'my' arm and saw a deep cut where I had pinched. Ouch.

I just woke up in Eleanor Calder's body and then caused physical damage. This can't be good. 

This would make a great story, if I ever got back to my body. How would I do that?! and more importantly, how did I get here in the first place?! I had so many questions right now. That made what was about to happen much worse. I heard someone walking towards the door and automatically hid my arm and pretended to be asleep. This way, they couldn't possibly find out that this wasn't Eleanor. 

I heard the door open and shut my eyes quickly.

"El?" I heard someone-presumably a guy-whisper.

Out of sheer curiosity and stupidity, I opened my eyes. Standing in front of me was my idol, the love of my life, the one and only, Louis Tomlinson.

"L- Louis?" I whispered, testing out El's voice. It was high pitched and girly, unlike mine.

"Love, are you okay?" He asked, looking very concerned. He knelt down so his eyes were level with 'mine'.

I was trying desperately not to do something stupid, like fangirl. I propped myself up with one arm. "Oh, um, yeah."

"Good, I was worried." He came and sat next to me on the bed.

I smiled. Louis Tomlinson was worried about me! and then I realized I wasn't exactly me right now. I was El. I looked into his eyes and could instantly tell that he was head over heels for her. She was very lucky.

"So, are you hungry?" He asked.

I felt 'my' stomach growl. I guess I could go for some breakfast. "Sure." I smiled flirtatiously.

He stood up and offered his hand, being the gentleman that he is.

I took it, my stomach exploding with butterflies. I was so nervous. There was so much on the line here. I can't mess up their relationship, it would ruin El's life. If she ever got back to her body. If she didn't? Well I guess being Eleanor for the rest of my life wouldn't be so bad.

We walked into what I decided was Eleanor's kitchen, and I sat down at the table. 

We ate in silence, see as I didn't dare to speak.

"You seem quiet this morning. Everything alright?" Lou asked.

"I'm fine..." I muttered.

"Okay... So we have our date tonight." He hinted, as if I was supposed to know something. Shit.

"We do?" I blurted out, then mentally facepalmed. Great job Jenna.

"Yeah, we do." He said, sounding slightly irratated.

"Oh, uh, yeah, of course I remember." I stuttered. I was getting more and more worried by the second.

"El, seriously, what's going on?" He demanded.

"Nothing, I'm fine." I whispered. He looked mad, and I was pretty sure this wouldn't end well.

"Well you aren't acting like it..." His expression softened, and I could see that he was getting worried.

"I promise you, I'm fine." I reassured him.

"Okay. Well back to the date. We're going to Nandos, right?" He questioned.

"Right." I confirmed.

"Wrong. We never decided to go to Nandos. We were going to go watch a football match and then come home for dinner." He said matter-of-factly.

"Oh, um, right." I pressed 'my' hand to 'my' forehead.

"El, there's something going on. Should we talk about it?" 

"No, it's okay, I guess I'm just tired." I lied.

"Go get some sleep, I can come back later." He decided, already getting up. He didn't sound very concerned.

"What is your problem?" I blurted out. I instantly regretted that.

"My problem?!" He cried.

I stood up. "Yeah, your problem. What do you have against me?!" I was screaming now.

"I don't know! What do you have against me!" He screamed back.

"Nothing. I just want to know-" I stopped.

He was holding his hands up in defeat, and slowly backing toward the door. "El, if this is what you want, them I'm leaving."

"Forever?" That came out a little harsh. I was worried that my defensive nature had ruined this relationship.

"Sure." He said blankly, turning the door handle.

I ran towards him, trying to get him to stay. If I could get him to stay, I could save this relationship.

Without a word, he shoved me away and walked out the door. I ran after him, and ran into the door.

Then it hit me. I just ruined Eleanor and Louis' relationship. This will not end well for anyone. I ran straight for her room.

I collapsed on the bed and cried myself to sleep.

Impostor [Louis Tomlinson]Where stories live. Discover now