Chapter Two

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If fangirling was a business, my friends would be the employee's of the month.

They've been obsessing over the fact that we have One Direction tickets since Kaylyn announced it. I tried to play along, but it was hard. I think I'm finally gonna tell someone what happened. It certainly won't be Kay, she's not really the type of girl you tell secrets to. I've decided on telling Syd, she's trustworthy.

I walked out of the school. It was a breezy end-of-summer day. I brushed my blonde hair out of my eyes and checked my phone, 2:33 pm. I had exactly an hour to get home. Plenty of time to confess a deep dark secret to a best friend.

I noticed Syd sitting on a bench a few feet away. Here goes nothing. I don't even know why I'm confessing this to her, we've known each other for about 3 weeks. I was moving in two anyways. I guess I just needed to get this off my chest, and she was a good person to tell.

She looked up from her notebook and smiled. "Hey Jen!"

I sat down next to her. "Hey."

"What's up?"

"There's something I need to tell you. In private..." I sighed and got up again.

"How about we take a walk?" She suggested. She stood up as well and we walked in the direction of my neighborhood.

"Listen. There's something I haven't told anyone, and I need to get it off my chest." I began, looking at the ground.

"Go on..." She muttered, unsure of what she was about to hear.

"I'm warning you, this is gonna sound crazy, but you have to believe me. About a month ago, I... woke up in someone else's body."

Her eyes widened.

"It was Eleanor Calder."

"Wait, does this have anything to do with-" I already knew she was talking about the breakup. It had been all over the internet.

I cut her off. "Yeah. It does. I caused that." I frowned. Maybe I shouldn't have told this to her. I've only known her for 3 weeks. For all I know, she's gonna tell everyone from here to Japan.

"Oh my god..." She whispered, her eyes wide. 

"You won't tell anyone, right? Not even Kay?" I pressed. From what I knew about her so far, she's trust worthy. 


"Promise?" I hold out my pinky. 

She laughs, but twists her pinky around mine anyways.

"So..." I mutter, trying to be 'casual'.

"Ice cream?" She suggests.

I look around and see the buses pulling away. I checked my phone again, it's now 2:50. "Sure."


"GAHH LIAM! HELP ME! HAZZA IS GONNA KILL ME!" I yelled, trying to sound as serious as possible.

You see, were about to leave for Australia, and Harry and I have decided to prank Liam.

So, I was running around; like an idiot of course, and knocking stuff over.

Who cares if we broke stuff,right? We don't have to pay for it at a hotel.

I snickered, and kept running around. I know management will, but who cares?

I heard fast pounding foot steps, and hid under the sink, just barely fitting and closing the small wooden doors in front of me.

As soon as they shut, I heard Liam screaming my name, in that really annoying sort of way.

It smelled terrible down here, but what did I expect?

I'm near the sink of an old hotel.

It reminded me of Eleanor somehow.

How good she smelled...

Like her perfume. And the smell in here was the exact opposite, disgusting.

I sighed loudly, then covered my mouth, realizing Liam could have heard me.

Harry was supposed to text me when the coast was clear.

Speaking of which, my phone vibrated in my pocket. I slid the unlock button across the screen, and opened it.

It was from Harry.

Apparently, Liam didn't hear me. I shrugged, and crawled out from under the sink.

Tip-toeing for the limo outside, where Liam was now looking for me, hoping I was in the trunk.

Not this time, Daddy.

I walked behind him, and jumped on his back.

"WHAT'S UP DADDY?" I yelled, laughing afterwards.

Liam tripped when my weight fully hit him, and fell. I laughed and got up, offering him my hand. He shook his head, but took it without hesitation.

"So, let me guess, Harry isn't trying to kill you?" Liam said, brushing off his clothes, and going over to the luggage, piled by the trunk of our limo.

"Nope, just another prank. You gotta learn, Leeyum!" I told him, giving him a cheesy smile and a pat on the back.

He just shook his head again, and chuckled.

"I'll finish up here, you go find the other lads," I told him, pushing him back towards the hotel.

"Alright,be right back," he replied, disappearing through the french doors of the hotel.

I sighed, and put the rest of the luggage into the trunk, shutting it slowly.

I got in the limo, and sat in it, truly at war with myself.

Truthfully, I really did miss Eleanor.

I just wish we could at least be friends.

But, I don't think that's ever going to happen, if I never forgive her.

I always, always think about forgiving her.

But I can never do it...

I just...can't.

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