Chapter One

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'I am in misery, there ain't nobody who can comfort me. Why won't you answer me? The silence is slowly killing me.'

I tapped my foot along to the music, biting the eraser on my already chewed up mickey mouse pencil.

Why did Chemistry have to be so freakin hard? It's not like I'll ever need to know this stuff. I'm not planning on becoming a chemist.

I sighed dramatically and threw my pencil down on the desk. Homework can wait. I'll just make it a Sunday problem. Saturday is for relaxing. I turned off my stereo and walked down the stairs.

"Jenna?" My dad called, peaking his head out of the study.

"Yeah?" I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a banana. 

"Your friend called, Kaylyn was it? She sounded excited." He muttered, then got back to working.

I walked back to my room and dialed her number, putting my phone on speaker. As it rang, I laid down on my bed and stared at the ceiling.

"JENNA! GUESS WHAT!" She screamed. Of course, being Kaylyn,  she was already an 'I don't do decaf' kind of girl. Today she was even spazzier than usual. 

"Hello to you too. What?" I smiled.


My jaw dropped. I would usually be fangirling right now, but since that mess with Louis (Which was almost a month ago), I've tried not to think about One Direction. I hadn't told anyone about the incident, and I wasn't planning to.

"That's awesome!" I cried, trying to sound as convincing as I could. I wasn't really looking forward to this.

"I know! I'm taking you and Syd. You know what the best part is?!" I could practically feel the anticipation.

"Yes?!" I added a bit of 'ohmigosh this is so exciting' to my tone, just to humor her.


I winced. "Cool!"

"I know ri- oh, I gotta go, mom's yelling at me to get off the phone."

"Call me later." I sighed.

"Kay kay."

I hung up the phone and tossed it across the room. I was worrying like crazy. I mean, he wouldn't recognize me- right? I was kinda someone else when we met. But I'm afraid I'll do something stupid. Even though we 'broke up' I was still in love with him. That was another thing none of my friends knew. Sometimes I felt like a bad friend for keeping all these secret. Although, everyone needs their secrets right?


I drew an X over yesterday's square on my calendar. two more days until we leave for Australia. Two more day's until I can leave my past-Eleanor-behind. The day after our breakup she acted as if nothing had happened. I wanted to forgive her, I really did, but something kept me from forgiving her every time. That's why I was so excited to leave. I would get away from England. I needed a break.

I was about to close the calendar when a particular date caught my eye. Of course it was our anniversary.  I bit my lip.

I heard footsteps and closed the calendar so fast it fell off the wall.

"You okay mate?" Liam raised an eyebrow, gesturing to the fallen calendar.

"Yep." I breathed, bending down to pick it up.

"Is it about... you know... her?" He asked, trying to avoid using her name.

"I guess. I guess we just can't leave any sooner. I really just want to get away from all this. Going to Australia is like a vacation, even though we'll be working." I admitted.

"I get it. England does get a bit tiring sometimes." He walked away, probably to his room.

"So do the memories." I whispered, closing my bedroom door.

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