Dear readers♥️

7.8K 92 19

Since this fanfic got a lot more recognition than I ever thought it would, here I leave you some information that I think is important to mention:

-First: I wrote this about two and a half years ago. What does this mean? I was 17 and horny 🤣 this is an important topic to mention because probably some of the things and correlations don't match well in the story! I wasn't as informed as I am now, and maybe the things I wrote are not correct at all. I did my best to edit it but really what I should do is rewrite it. Maybe I will...

-Second: ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE! This is a huuuuge thing to mention because of course, I will have mistakes. I'm always down to correct them if you found them, I'm constantly reading your comments so don't be afraid to point them out (always from a place of respect, I won't tolerate bad criticism)

-Third: I know my writing is not the best of all. There are a lot of much more talented writers out there, BUT that wasn't going to stop me from doing what I wanted, which was uploading my story! Sometimes this place can get rude, but your support is far far far much better. I think that throughout this time I got to deal with only one disrespectful comment, and given that this story is about to hit 400 comments, one is nothing compared to all the good ones you leave.

It wasn't my intention to create this intense and crazy story with a lot of history and past and soulmates and lightsabers and blah blah (not to critic because I read and LOVE all of them). But what I wanted to do was an easy story to read, something that keeps you captivated and doesn't require much attention from you, just something you can read and have fun with.

Forbidden Lust was the first thing I've ever written and will always be in my heart because never in a million years did I think this was going to be close to 20k views.

If you got this far, thank you for reading. And if after reading this you still continue to read the story, well THANK YOU but bigger.

And for the ones that want to upload their stories but are too afraid to do so: fucking do it. Here I am, a girl who doesn't even speaks English on a regular basis, uploading some information to my 19k views shitty fanfiction. Don't let anyone tell you you can't do as you want! After all, we all are united by the same thing: dreaming about Adam Driver. So we will be reading everything you upload because daddy doesn't feed the rats, so we have to feed ourselves.

Be kind, be smart, be you.
Thank you so much for reading and for your support 🥰

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