the spell

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Bams POV:

As i walk back from geting food i hear capitan screaming at king,i wonder whats happing


K:nuuuu hikup*pffff nu

M:KING oh i give up

E:s-sir kimg pease get down

I open the door to getting push to the grown but sombody

what the hell

K:heheh zzzzzzzz

M:ban take him upstairs and be careful,he was just drunk..


I carry king upstaris and put him on his hamak,i sit on my bed staing at him"..he dosent look that similar to her but...they do seem the same in a way.."

K:mmm b-ban...

Hm..?is he seeing me in his dreams?

Elaine....he's seeing her..? ...!! I see some tears on his face as he says something shocking to me,

K:why..why dont you protet me to,you only protect Elaine...mommy help me save me from dad....please evryone

Nobodys pov

Ban rushes to king"shhh its ok king its ok"he puts his hand on kings forhead and king calms down a bit but,still dosent wake

What is happening to him,suddentlya girl comes and say"i put a spell onto him,he killed somebody special to me and i wont take of the spell untill he dies in his dream he has three lives,if he dies on the first life nothing hapoens,if he dies on the secon life every cut or make will apey as cuts on his body,if he dies on his thied life every cut or anything will aper as if they were just done,then he will come back..."amd she dissapears

Ooooo what will happen to king and who did king kill to upset the girl ooooo xD

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