"king halquin....!"

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One bright night was shining on king as he flew to his home, he was not fully healed from his dream.30 minutes later he arrived to the forest and he was welcomed peacefully

Kings pov:
"King harlequin is back YAY"Everyone was so happyly screaming that i was back home"yes yes..im back"i say out of breath,"king halquin..?"i turn to see Gerheade smiling"i cant belive your back,im so happy"she takes me to were Elaine's body is"so this is my siater...?"she nods "well it is great to see her again,even if she is dead i guess"i turn and walk away to the top of the tree.I told gerheade about the dream,"k-king halquin are you ok..i cant belive she did that to our king..." i saw her sad face and said"no,no its fine...i get why she's angry but...." gerheade looks confuzed  but says "i understad king halquin" i end up just going to the top of the tree to think, and for some reason... i cant stop thinking about ban"

will finish this chapter but i cant remember what happened when they came back so need to check so yeah I'm so sorry i will be uploading more

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