his dream

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Just saying but this is just somthing for me to do bc its 07:15 soooo yea

Kings pov:

I was in a dream i had to be inless gother was makeing me see this,but how could he know what my family picture looked like,my mother and father are on the picure.....i remember..him telling me that i would never be good enough to be fairy king and my mother wouldent do anything about it,suddently deane showed but but she was a kid"deane...?" i ask her"halaquinn YOU NEVER CAME BACK YOU LIER LIER"then she...killed me my powers were of so i was weak...then my father ,mother and eliane showed up....i dident know what do do...

Elizabeth pov:

We were trying to help king but nother was working the girl showed up again and started speaking again"if you are so waried about the killer then here i'll put a spell onto you so you can see whats going on,princess im not going to put you in because you must wach over halaquinn"I nod and then everybody dissapears,i'll keep wach over sur kinf as she said!

Kings pov:(again)

My 'father' looked angry and stared walking over to me"HOW DARE YOU BE,YOU'LL NEVER BE GOOD ENOUGH TO BECOME THE FAIRY KING!!!!"he just keeped repeating the facts"i-i know i'll never be good enough to be king but when you left i become fairy king and i wasent good enough but i-i want to protect my friends because i dident protect Elaine like mother did she gone now because i wasent there to save the forest...."out of nowere he hits me over and over again..

Ban pov:

His eyes were dull as he just keeped getting beat up by the man..why doswnt he fight back why dosent he use his power..??he's dead again..third life now....

Nobodys pov:

As the last pirson comes king jist stands there with dull eyes,suddently helbruem comes and the girl says "heh heheh meet helbran halaquinn,the man you killed 3 t!mes hahahahaha!!"

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