Chapter 12: It's The Truth

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I found Maya sitting on the ledge, crying furiously. I hated myself for doing this to her.

"Should I talk to her?" I asked myself. "I need for her to know that I'm alright, and I need her too..."

"Stop being such a wimp and talk to her already." My Ghost teleported in my face, startling me.

"Don't do that." I scolded calmly.

"Hurry up and speak to her. I'm tired of hearing you crying over her at night."

"I don't cry at night."

"Just go!" He nudged me over to her direction.

I took a deep breath and walked over. It's so weird to see her crying; she almost never does it.

I tapped her shoulder once. She nearly fell off the ledge in surprise, but I caught her.

"Thank yo- oh!" She recognized me. "Get away from me!"

"Wait!" I grabbed her shoulders roughly and forced her to turn to me. "Don't you recognize me, Maya?! I'm Zero! How can you not recognize me?"

"Zero was a human! He's a human, dammit! What don't you get about that?! Just leave me alone!"

"Please, just listen to me. I know I've changed. The pressure from being in space from so long has altered me, and now I am an Awoken, but I'm still your brother. And I can prove it!"

She gave me a suspicious look, and then sighed. "When was Zero born?"

"I was born on August 7th, 2227."

She nodded, a bit surprised. "Okay, creep. What's his real name?"

"Ezekiel Morozov," I replied shakily. "You couldn't pronounce my name when we were younger, and Zero stuck."

She smiled lightly at this. "What did we do to earn money?"

"You placed bets for me on street fights, and I mostly won." I wore a proud face here.


"Because our parents were murdered." I saddened at the memory. "I was seven and you were five. Ever since, I've done all I could to raise and protect you. I followed you when you went to roughhouse with the neighborhood boys to watch over you and make sure you were alright. I broke that kids nose, Joseph, I think, when he punched your chest and made you fall. I fought in the street fights so you wouldn't have to. I didn't want you to join the army, but you did so anyways and died..." I broke into sobs.

She gave me a sympathetic look before finally embracing me tightly. "I missed you so much." She sobbed. "I'm sorry, I really am." We stood there sobbing and hugging for awhile, until Maya finally broke away from me. "And for the record, they didn't let me join the army. You were right about me being underaged." I wiped away my tears and gave her a questioning look. "So I started street fighting for money while you were gone. Until that bitch Exo woman murdered me." Her mood dampened dramatically. "I bet she kept beating my body after I died, too."

"Is it too late to ground you for life?" I asked jokingly.

"Well you couldn't anyways 'cause I died, so..."

I laughed. It was great to have her back.


I entered our quarters to see Ivory crashed on a seat. I shook her lightly. No response. I shook her a bit harder. Still no response.

Oh hell no...

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