Chapter 14: Forgive and Forget

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I was in a dark room. I couldn't see or hear anything; not even an echo. So I waited.

Suddenly, two children came up. A Human boy and an Awoken boy. They were walking towards each other, but they didn't seem to notice until their foreheads bumped together.

They were wearing the exact same clothes: a plain beige t-shirt with baggy green pants, and both were barefoot. I couldn't see their faces, but the Human boy had jet black hair and the Awoken boy's hair was white as snow.

They stared at each other for some time, until the Human boy finally took a swing at the Awoken boy. It quickly became a brutal fight. They were throwing rough punches and kicks at each other until they were on the floor. The Human boy was sitting on top of the Awoken boy, pulling his hair and punching him in the face.

I was suddenly able to see more clearly. The Human boy was me as a child. The Awoken boy looked a bit like me too, only much younger. The Human version of me was yelling something.

"You couldn't protect her!" He shouted. "You would let her die! I should be the one in charge. I take better care of her."

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain going through my body. I looked at my trembling hands to see the blue skin fading away and turning back to my original tan skin.

"It's too late for that now!" The Awoken version of me now had the upper hand. "You left her alone! I was the one who came back."

The pain came back, even sharper this time as I witnessed my arms go blue again.

They were back on their feet and covered in blood. I tried to reach them.

"Boys! Stop!" I cried, but I couldn't get any closer to them. I realized that my hand turned tan again. But when I looked at my other arm, it was blue!

A mirror appeared in front of me. I was literally half Human and Half Awoken. Half blue half tan. Half black hair half white hair. Half dull eyes half glowing eyes.

The boys were attacking me now. They threw me in the ground and attacked all over my body.

"It's all your fault!" They yelled. "It's all your fault! It's all your fault!"

I woke up gasping for breath. It was just a dream. I got out of bed, took off my shirt (which was drenched in sweat), and walked to the mirror.

All my scratches and bruises had healed since my Ghost resurrected me. But I still had the scars. There were many long ones on my back and chest, as well as a few on my face and arms.

"I am an Awoken." I said to the mirror. "Nothing changes that now." I started to cry. I was suddenly so frustrated with myself.

"Zero?" I had to turn to see who it was, since Ivory and Maya shared the same voice.

It was Ivory.

"What do you want?" I asked rather harshly.

"Why are you sad?" She asked.

"I'm fine."

"There's water leaking from your eyes. That happened to Maya when you died yesterday, too, so I believe it's not a good thing." She replied. I chuckled at her innocence.

Her face was very close to mine, and her bright eyes were blinding me. She closed in, little by little, until our lips touched.

I stood perfectly still as her metallic lips played with mine, at first timid, then rigorous.

I let her do this for a minute, until I pulled away. "Ivory, are you aware of what you're doing?" I asked firmly.

"Not exactly." She replied. "I used to watch my masters do this. Do you like it?" She asked in a hopeful tone.

"Well, I'm not exactly sure what you're doing either, to be honest." I laughed shyly.

"Oh..." She seemed disappointed. "Well, your hair looks weird anyways!" She pointed abruptly at my bed head.

"Don't copy everything your masters said or did. Remember: they weren't exactly great people." I advised.

"Right, well... I'll go to my room." She left awkwardly as I shook my head in embarrassment.


I moved as quietly as possible in hopes of not waking everybody up. I opened the door slowly and closed it just as so as I left.

"Sneaking out?" My Ghost teleported in front of me.

"What are you doing?!" I asked, startled.

"What are you doing so early in the morning?" He threw back.

"Ah, I couldn't sleep. I was going for a walk." I replied sheepishly.

"Without your Exo friend?"

"What's that supposed to mean? I'm just going to see Commander Zavala for some training. You're welcome to leave." I sighed and walked away before he could reply.


I entered the Hall of Guardians to find Commander Zavala alone.

"Good morning, Zero." He greeted warmly as he saw me approaching. "What are you doing up so early?"

"Spar with me." I said bluntly.

"Excuse me?" He seemed taken aback.

"Spar with me." I repeated in a rougher tone.

He sighed walked over to me. I put up my fists.

"Not here. Let's go somewhere more private." He said calmly.

He led me down a few halls and stairways I had never noticed before until we reached a big empty room.

I wasted no time throwing the first punch. He dodged barely and kicked my shin. I pretended to bend down in pain, and quickly caught him in the stomach. I continued to throw punches towards his chest in a fury until I finally picked him up over my shoulders and threw him back on the ground.

"What's ailing you?" He asked as he gasped for breath.

"Our mission yesterday. I made a stupid mistake that nearly cost the lives of my whole team!" I ran a hand through my hair in frustration. "They trusted me as their leader and I failed them."

"That's nothing to get upset about. Everyone makes mistakes. You just have to learn from them. Forgive and forget." He said calmly.

"Even if that mistake ends up killing all my friends?" I asked in anguish.

"You didn't kill your friends." He said firmly. "Forgive and forget."

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