Paris, the perfectionst brat

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A/N: This chapter is a fun one and a little bit of a profile, get to know Paris!

Paris ran out of the pizzeria in a panic, she was truing to fix her hair, but it was almost impossible to do while running. If she didn't fix her appearance, she'd be in trouble.

She quickly called over a girl named Nevada to try and fix her hair. Nevada undid her hair and put it back into the straight bun that it once was.

"Thank you so much." She hurried along.

She pulled out her phone and dialed a number.

"Monsieur, can you please pick me up? I am by Tilapia Avenue. Thank you."

She quickly put the phone away and started pacing. About 20 minutes later, a sleek black car rolled up to her, that was Monsieur. Paris hurried in and slammed the door. She looked out of the window and stared at Papa's Pizzeria as they drove away.

"Any reason why I had to pick you up?"

"Mom and Dad have arranged for an important event tonight, and I know that I cannot say no to them, or else, I'll get in trouble."

"What do they have planned tonight?"

"A dinner and a dance, inviting all of the richest families in Portallini."

"Even the Romanos?"

"No! The Sine family hates the Romanos! Do you know how long it's been since our great grandparents killed each other in a war against a fair girl that ended up dying as well?"

Monsieur rolled his eyes.

"Do you know how many people are coming to this event?"

"About 20."

"And which estate? Your parents or yours?"

"My parents."

"I see Portallini not far in the distance. Best of luck, hope your parents don't yell at you for being late."

Paris nodded.

They arrived at Paris's estate and Paris ran to her parent's house. She was greeted by multiple maids and butlers and her parents were holding glasses of Chardonnay and laughing about a joke. They turned to Paris and their eyes faded.

"Where were you?" Her mother barked.

"You knew that we had an important event tonight! You knew!" Her dad added.

"I'm sorry, I was just hanging out with some friends." Paris wasn't the snooty girl that her friends saw her as, instead, she was insecure and submissive.

"Friends? They must not be from here, if you had to take 20 minutes to get here." Her mother scoffed.

"Just change your clothes and fix yourself up. Maids! Give her a makeover!" The father clapped his hands and 6 maids came about.

"Wait." The mother stopped everyone and walked up to Paris, holding the hem of her dress and examining it.

"Is that Marinara sauce on your dress? Were you at that pizzeria again? Come on, Paris!"

"Mom! My friends and I meet there to hang out!"

"The only reason I got you a job was because you wanted it, you've been busting your hump for 5 years! I can take that job away from you if I could!"

Paris started to beg and cry.

"No mommy! Please don't! I love working!"

"Then stop being such a mess of a child! Why can't you be like us! Sophisticated, chic, put together. You're an ungrateful brat!" The mother spilled her Chardonnay on her.

"Oops." She added and giggled.

Paris wanted to cry, but her parents would make fun and her and pick at her more. She decided to be the bigger person and leave the situation as a whole. She smelt like alcohol, drowning the smell of her $600 perfume.

Paris went back to her house and cried as soon as she slammed the door. Why did she have to be treated like this? What did she even do?

A maid knocked on the door and let herself in. She saw that Paris was crying on the floor and helped her, giving her a big hug.

"Shhhh, it's ok. They pull at your nerves sometimes. It's not your fault."

The maid soon went into her closet and picked out a dress for Paris to wear. It was a baby blue, which complimented her eyes. The maid then fixed her makeup and hair and fit her into the dress.

"I envy you in some ways." The maid confessed.

"Why?" Paris asked.

"You seem different than the other bratty kids. You are mature and you have a good grip, sure you might have a rebellious streak, but in the end, you become the bigger person. It's not easy standing up for yourself in front of your parents, I've seen how many times they tear you apart. But, you're strong."

Paris sighed.

"I wanted to show the others that I'm a hard worker and that I don't get everything handed to me on a silver platter. Mom and dad call me ungrateful because I'm not as outgoing or social as them, but I'm not the daughter that gets things easily. Even as an only child, everybody thinks that I'm spoiled. It's just that I hide myself under a mask, pretending to be somebody I'm not. And I look in the mirror, I don't see myself. I see a doll. Sometimes, I just feel like a puppet, and my parents control me."

The maid gasped. And then Paris realized her mistake.

"Uh oh, I said too much."

The maid hugged her instead.

"You know I'm your favorite maid. You're my best friend in this place, I promise to keep your feelings a secret. Nobody knows but us, ok?"

Paris nodded.

"That's my Paris, show me the smile!"

Paris smiled.

"Go out there at the party and show them who's confident, who's strong, and who knows their self worth. And if somebody makes you uncomfortable, you know what to do."

"Thank you."

Paris and the maid left Paris's room and across the discreet bridge that connected the two houses. Up a set of stairs and there was a red curtain.

"Now's your chance, go get them, Tiger!"

Paris went behind the curtain and into the party.

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