The Argents

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Theo P.O.V

"Theo we need to leave"
"What why their just hunters"
To be honest stiles needs to calm down I know about his past and all but he really needs to calm his shit as I said their just hunters we have deal with them before plus shooting arrows at us is that all they've got?

"No Theo these are the argents their not just regular hunters"
Where's he going with this? I look at him confused as he explains "when I was in beacon hills there were these hunters, the argents now they had one specific rule "and that is?" "We hunt those who hunt us"
"But we aren't hunting them" I say

"Yes I'm getting to that now shut up and stop interupting me ,there were five argents, Chris Argent, Allison argent, Kate argent, Victoria argent who is now dead and Gerard argent- "yeah and?"
I cut him off

"Interrupting Theo interupting" he scowled at me "oh sorry"
"Ok well Chris argent and Allison argent have given up their hunting life and now give help to werewolves if they need it hell even Allison had dated Scott at one point but he clearly had a thing for Isaac like come on he wasn't even discreet about it he would stare all the time and was always nervous and- "oh sorry I'm rambling" he looks at me with  his eyes filled with longing?

"It's fine I get it you miss your friends"
"Yeah I guess but I haven't seen them in two years" my ears pick up sound of voices far into the woods the hunters or should I say the argents are coming

" I thought you said they retired hunting!" "Yeah well about that Gerard and Kate decided that rule of 'we hunt those who hunt us' was not good enough for them and are now killing any werewolf/werefox in sight" well shit

" look Theo we need to leave" I nod and we start running, we found stiles' old jeep and climb in he starts the engine and takes off down the road

"Where are we going again" I ask as he turns to look at me "Beacons Hills"

You really have to learn not to trust a fox - SterekWhere stories live. Discover now