Chapter 1 ✿

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Mark exhaled a heavy sigh, dark eyes slowly working their way over the crowd of people inside the somewhat small condo. Or apartment. It was like a mix between a condo and an apartment. And to be truthful, he wasn't really enjoying it very much. Parties were never his cup of tea, just because of how much sexual tension there always was between almost everyone at the stupid party, as well as that there were pretty much always lots of horny alphas that tried to get into his pants.

He was not interested in alphas, not one little bit. Mark had always disliked the social hierarchy that had been put into place, even when he was little, when his parents would bring up how he was going to grow up and marry some alpha, and give them grandkids. The thought of having to marry one of those alphas made him feel queasy, so he'd started dating omegas since he was in high school. He wasn't currently in a relationship, but he was still friends with a few of them.

Moving along through the crowd of people, Mark's nose scrunched up at the overpowering smell of alcohol that burned his nose. He wasn't sure why he ever went to parties, because they were really not fun to be at. Maybe it was just to get out of his dorm that he didn't like to stay in for long periods of time.

Mark was pulled from his thoughts when a particular scent caught his nose. Honey? He had never smelled such things at a party like this before. The omega let his curiosity catch him and drag him along to where the smell was coming from, and he soon came up on another omega, seemingly being bothered by an alpha. The boy's face was scrunched up, looking like he was being brushed the wrong way by how close the alpha was. He... Even looked disgusted. Mark had to step in and say something.

"Hey! Leave him alone." He snarled, slipping in between the bigger omega and the alpha, pushing the alpha back, receiving a growl of distaste from him. Puffing his chest out to look bigger and more intimidating, the raven haired omega let out a growl, silently watching as the alpha put his hands up in front of him in defeat and walked away in a huff. Mark immediately spun around to the other omega, dropping his chest and relaxing a little bit. "Are you okay? He didn't bother you much, did he? I'll go beat his ass if you want me to. I really will, I'm not lying."

The bubbly and cheery laugh that came from the omega made Mark's heart leap and his eyes flick to the side. The fuck? That was weird. A sheepish hue fell onto his cheeks and he chuckled, watching the omega.

"I'm okay, and I don't need you beating that alpha's ass for me... His scent was just bothering me. It's really musky and kinda disgusting." Mark silently watched the other omega's lips turn down into a frown, and he almost whined. That smile that he had on only a moment ago looked a lot cuter on his face instead of a frown.

"I'm glad that I was able to stop him from bothering you. My name is Mark, by the way. Mark Lee."

"Happy to meet you! My name's Jeno. Lee Jeno! I actually go to the university just down the street, I'm a freshman."

"Me too! I'm a freshman as well. I haven't seen you around though, from what I remember, so we must be different majors. I'm going into being a speed and strength teacher for high schoolers." Mark smiled proudly at the other, expecting him to be super surprised at his response.

"That's actually really surprising, because I'm going into doing physical education for younger kids. It's not everyday that you meet another omega going into an alpha ruled career path! I chose to do this because one, I love exercising, and two, I want to break the social norms around here."

Mark felt like he had just met his soulmate. He felt like he had just found the missing puzzle piece to the puzzle he had been working on for years. "Marry me right now." He said, which made Jeno grin brightly and laugh happily. "I would, but I need my parents permission first."

Flowers and Honey - Markno ✿Where stories live. Discover now