Helen of Troy

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Happy New Year!


Logan and I went for a short walk after dinner around the area, I was astounded by the number of restaurants that lined up this small little Chinatown-ish vicinity. More and more, we got to know a lot about each other; from the basic things, to small, personal details that he and I are willing to share to each other, the more we became closer friends and I hope this was the kind of friendship that lasted for a long time. I really did enjoy his company. We arrive back at Ohana before 10PM.

We get in the elevator and I turn to him. "Hey, Logan. Thank you so much for dinner, I felt bad you had to pay for all of it. I owe you, again." 

He chuckles. "It's nothing, Diandra. C'mon, I just want you to have a good time here in LA, I don't want you to feel bad for letting me pay for you."

"Thank you so much. Again." I smile at him and step out of the elevator. I turn to him once more, he smiles and salutes.

I walk to my door and lazily open it, placing my keys on the kitchen counter and removing my shoes. The floor was cold underneath my naked feet, I quickly move to my room which was carpeted. I sit in front of my make up table and start removing my make up when my phone vibrated. I swipe it open and it was a text from Logan.

Logan: Did you know that eggs are basically the period of chickens? 

I chuckle at his text and he sends a picture of a comic about a guy explaining that an egg isn't chicken fetus, but rather their periods since an egg cannot be fertilized without a rooster. The more you know, huh? 

Me: Is this even legit? :P

Logan: Sure is, I saw it on the internet so it must be real. 

Me: Not everything on the internet is real, naive boy. 

Logan: HEY! I'm not naive. That hurt me. :( It seems legit enough, better check Wikipedia then!

Me: I'll make that my goal to determine if an egg really is chicken period. And no, I'm not reading fom Wikipedia, a lot of their shit there can't be real. Most of it.

Logan: If you do find out, please tell me immediately because this has sparked my utmost curiosity! :O 

Me: You'll be the first to know. ;) 

I find myself smiling at the texts and return to my task at hand, which was removing my make up and getting ready for bed. I quickly showered and changed into a hoodie and boyleg underwear. I slip under the covers and hug my pillow, listening to a calming acoustic song on the radio. My phone vibrates, and Logan is calling. His picture doing a wacky face lights up my phone.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hello there, Ms. Diandra Johnson." I can hear him smile through the phone, and it makes me smile too. "I just want to say goodluck for the auditions tomorrow, pretty sure you'll kick ass."

I chuckle. "Why, thank you, Mr. Logan Lerman. Goodluck to you as well."

"Nah, I don't need it." He says.

I scoff and roll my eyes. "HA, cocky." 

"Just kidding. Thanks, Diandra." There was a long pause, all I can hear was breathing. "So, I guess you'll be sleeping now?"

I yawn, I actually am tired. "Well, yeah. I'm kinda tired." I feel bad having to end our conversation so short.

"Better get some shut eye then. I'll do the same. Good night, Diandra! Sweetest of dreams to you!" 

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