B- well today started off fairly easy and then went South really quickly and to be the head of the peds floor is crazy you have kids playing running around and then you have kids that are too sick to do anything and then you have doctors the decide that they know better than you and try to go all high and mighty I am really tired of that today today was a busy day for me though I sure everything on the Ped's floor was stocked and then got called down to trauma there was a 4 car, car crash and children were involved along with a pregnant woman so my first priority is to assess the injuries show I took a couple residence and ran down there waiting for the patients to get here the first two through the door are not my patients so I continue to wait then in comes the pregnant woman so jump into action I asked everything they know about her I checked Lily for injuries and then checked on the baby and that's when I saw the problem internal bleeding I knew I would have to deliver this baby now along with getting her bleeding under control but all the operating rooms were being used then I saw Edward. edward I yelled
E- I hear my name being called so I turn around it's Bella Edward I need you to come here so I walk over I need you to go and check the Operation board and see if there's any operations that aren't important that haven't started yet she told me so I run to the Operation board and look at all the operations but they all have started so I run back tell Bella that all the operations have started damn it she said
B- I tell Edward to go check the Operation board and see if any of the operations haven't started yet and if they're not important any runs back to me and says they all have started damn it so I think really quickly Edward go get an overnight observation room and a surgical kit we're going to have to make a makeshift operating room he looks at his tablet and tells me which observation room is not in use I walk around the gurney and push it to room eight why Edward goes and gets a surgical kit.
E- I run to go get a surgical kit but can't find one so I run to my dad's office knock on the door who is it he says Edward come in son and with that I walk in what do you need son hey Dad by any chance do you have a surgical kit
c- yes in case of emergencies
Here you go and some antibacterial soapE- thanks bye I got it here you go
B- thanks now go get one of the nurses and then you're going to help me scrub in and then you're going to scrub in yourself
E- ok hey I need one of you guys to come with me to watch a patient for a moment matter fact just both of you come with me
B- Edward comes back with the nurse's I told one to get the surgical tray ready and one to watch the patient even though I only ask for one nurse but this works okay now I have to go get ready.
E-B we went to go grab our caps and some clothes protectors and gloves we already have the antibacterial soap we ran to the bathroom Edward change first then I did then we ran out of the bathroom without touching anything we ran back inside in the makeshift operating room Andy Bella took charge very quickly she jumped into action like nothing was happening except the operation that was in front of her Edward get an available doctors we are going to need help after I get the baby out and call the NICU tell him we're going to need a warmer got it I call the NICU first and they ran down a warmer and get anesthesiologist after the anesthesiologist I got the baby out I cleaned her and measured and weighed major nothing was in her mouth she was seven and a half pounds and seven inches long and then put her in the warmer and had her sent to the NICU and then went to work on her mother I sewed her uterus and then switched with another doctor to fix the internal bleeding all hands on deck we fixed the internal bleeding and then Edward took out glass from her legs and sewed up the deep wounds after cleaning them then got her settled in a room oh my God bella was amazing I stood there stunned I just got out of a 5-hour surgery only because of all the internal bleeding that I had to help fix even though I am just the head of the peds floor I am exhausted but I still have 11 hours to go before I can go home, I tossed I tossed my clothes shield and the gloves and then walk to my office I am so tired I don't know how I'm going to make it through the day I think I'm going to need another cup of coffee I made it to my office and there is the admission paperwork that I have been waiting for on all the emissions that I did today finally made it into the system and onto the tablet and it's all sorted I pulled the Advil out of my desk and take a couple because I have a headache and I need something for that Bella leaves the room takes off everything that's covered in blood throws it away and walks to her office I'm assuming so that's why I'm going right now with a coffee ☕ I walk into her office with coffee in hand serious question but you might think it's stupid but literally did you read my mind give me coffee give me give me coffee give me coffee I definitely wasn't expecting this on my second day of work but there's a lot that I wasn't expecting like passing out on my first day and delivering a baby and makeshift operating room on my second I mean that is crazy hopefully the mom pulls through she looks good right now we are going to keep her overnight the baby is doing well she doesn't need any help breathing but her lungs are small or frame is small but not too small thankfully so she's going to stay in the NICU for a week or more depending on her progress what about you what have you done today nothing as exciting as you I help some crash victims I helped you I fixed and just dislocated shoulder when you're when you're an emergency room doctor it is the crazy and amazing but today I didn't do anything interesting but help you that was amazing to see I love you you know that right and I love Anthony you mean the world to me he means the world to me I just wanted you to know that it's been a crazy day for you Edward I already know that I've seen it well I'm telling it to you that no harm no foul now give me a kissy Edward what I can't kiss 💋 my girl friend now fine one kiss

RomanceWhat if Edward and Bella were both doctors and they knew each other and he hasn't seen her or heard from her in 2 years and she comes back into his life with kid his kid I do not own the characters we all know who owns twilight but the story line is...