I called this meeting because it has come to my attention that there was gossip and rumors about Dr Cullen and his family I was not here on that day but I do have Dr Cullen and his son which is also Dr Cullen both I witnesses to what happened that day and I do not appreciate what I have heard about one of our doctors and all the rumors started at the nurses station well if you must know Miss swan and Mr Cullen are dating and have a child together now I don't want to hear anymore gossip or rumors about Miss swan and her family understood the next time I hear a rumor or gossip from anyone they will get pink slips especially the two nurses that were gossiping in the first place understood okay now to get down to what this meeting was actually for other than stopping gossip I will like to welcome Dr Isabella swan to Seattle general she is our new pediatric surgeon along with that she runs a pediatric floor.
B- well thank God that's over but now we hear about is the meeting and how nobody knew Edward had a family let alone a girlfriend so that spreading like wildfire or the first day that I came everybody's talking about that and how they didn't know until the meeting and of course the two nurses that were gossiping that day or like I already knew that and she's a s***and how much you want to bet if I went up to him and asked him out he would say yes because she's ugly and then Edward and the next to me he says don't mind them they don't know what they're talking about they're just jealous and I know he's right so I do what anyone else in my position would do to think I kiss him and all around you hear a bunch of aw's and gasps
Then we pull apart get back to work then go to his parents for dinner after we're done with our shifts and we eat dinner at his parents place and then we go home they offer to watch Anthony for the night and we took it then we went home we watched a movie and then eventually went to sleep the next day there was still gossip going around from one of the nurses the one that said that if she asked Edward out he would probably say yes so I went on with my day knowing that that was still going around and I did some stitches checked on some upset tummies and then I passed some of my colleagues and they were talking about my baby and me and Edward and that nurse and how she said she was going to ask him out today I walked silently past them to the cafeteria where I found Edward waiting I told him what I just heard and as if right on cue she comes up to Edward and ask him out he says no that he's already in a committed relationship and that he wouldn't change that for the world she proceeds to touch him and tells him that she can give him everything he wants including sexually he backs away but she grabs him again and that's when I step in hey he told you no so leave him alone she perceives to get in my face she says yeah and bitch what you going to do about it and at this point everyone in the cafeteria is looking at the scene in front of them look if you don't get out of my face and take his answer we're going to have an issue babe come on it's not worth it she's not worth it come on I'm about to turn around and walk away when she slaps me and pulls my hair let go of me now what are you a 12-year-old no while you're acting like it well you took my man your man he was mine even before he started working here so yeah sorry but he's my boyfriend and the father of my child so you need to grow up yeah right you're just a slut it's probably not even his baby oh trust me it's his baby he's the spitting image of his father they have the same hair the same eyes if you look at baby photo of Edward and him you wouldn't be able to tell the difference and not that it's any of your business but I was a virgin before I had Anthony so trust me I know who the father is because I only slept with one person ever in my life then she proceeds to grab me and slam me against the wall then she kicks me in the abdomen and my kidney I fall down to the ground she proceeds to continue kicking me but I take my elbow and I hit her in the knee she comes down and I crawl away she tries to attack me again but Edward gets in front of her and grabs her and the security was called but before that somebody comes up to Edward they take her from Edward and he comes up to me and ask me if I'm okay I say I'm okay but I'm in painE- I'm in the cafeteria waiting for Bella and then I see her coming she sits down then she proceeds to talk to me about stuff that she heard a minute ago about us and she's just kind of picking at her food and then a nurse comes up to me and proceeds to ask me out I tell her no that I'm in a relationship and she proceeds to tell me that she can satisfy me I back away but she grabbed and that's when Bella intervened and told her to back off but she didn't she proceeded she got in Bella's face called her a bitch and Bella just stood her ground and told her she doesn't back away and take my word that they were going to have a problem I tell her that she's not worth it and she's about to turn around when she gets slapped in the face and her hair pulled I can't believe this is happening because one everybody knows about our relationship and to this nurse is acting so childish and she proceeds to tell Bella that she took me from her and Bella proceeds to tell her that I'm her boyfriend and the father of her baby and then the nurse continues and says yeah well you're just a slut baby's probably not even his envelope proceeds tell her that this is none of her business but the she was a virgin before she had Anthony and that she needs to grow up then she grab Bella and I was just in shock and pinned her against the wall she kicks Bella twice before she goes down and then proceeds to continue to kick bella well she's on the ground Bella hits her in the knee and the nurse goes down and she tries to attack Bella again I grab her security gets called I give her a Jasper one of my friends and I go check on Bella I asked her if she's okay she says she's okay but is in pain security comes and gets the nurse and I tell them everything that went down the proceed to ask me if Bella wants to press charges for assault I look at Bella she nods they take her away and call the police Jasper can you watch her while I'm going to make a call he nods and I get up and I walked to my dad's office knock he says come in he asked me what I was doing here and I told him that I came in here to make a call and I proceeded to make that call to Charlie he answers within the third ring I told him what happened and he said he was on his way along with the police that we're going to take the statement and make sure the charges were made then I hang up the phone and look at my dad he looks shocked
C-I was doing some paperwork when my phone rang it said it was the hospital so I answered knowing that it had to be one of three people and it was Edward and he proceeds to tell me that Bella was in a altercation and that she wants to press charges and I tell him I'm on my way along with two other police officers and right as I get off the phone Sam tells me that he just got a call from the hospital saying that they needed police officers down there and I tell him that I want him and Seth to come with me and he asked me why I would go and I said because my daughter is involved and we left
E- I walk back to the cafeteria Bella sitting back at a table drinking something and I walk up and thank Jasper for watching her and swing her chair around then Bent down and looked over her picked her up ask Jasper to take the food to my office he nods and we leave

RomanceWhat if Edward and Bella were both doctors and they knew each other and he hasn't seen her or heard from her in 2 years and she comes back into his life with kid his kid I do not own the characters we all know who owns twilight but the story line is...