E- Dad I need you Edward called I look up Bella is unconscious in his arms that I look at Edward and he has panic in his eyes as he looks at her in fear of losing her again and in that moment I walk up to him Pass his child take Bella Out of his arms come on baby girl wake up wake up she didn't and in that moment I kick myself high gear I told the nurse taking me a Gurney she turns around to go and find a gurney she comes running back with it I pick up Bella lay down carefully and her back and my son has has fear in his eyes and he looks down at the child in his arms hold him close to his chest and in that moment I told Edward too go to my office and call his mother and tell her what happened and that I would take care of Bella and not to worry he walked away very quickly to my office and I told one of the nurses to find an empty room and I look back on the gurney and whisper Bella ear it's going to be okay your home we have now and then there's picks out her head and in here we walk down the hallway I walk in the room And I Bella off the gurney and place her in the bed cover her with a blanket for the moment hooker up to the machines and after that I walked out to the nurse station and told them anything happens with her page me and with that I walked to my office.
I walk to my dad's office okay more like ran and dialed my mom's number she picked up the third ring and when she picked up I started to cry and she said Edward what's wrong what's wrong I was crying so hard that I couldn't answer her and then she said Edward I'm on my way hold on sweet heart I will be there in a few minutes and she hung up and I put the phone down and cried well holding my son to my chest 10 minutes later my dad came in the room he saw me on the couch came up to me and said Edward she's okay she just passed out but when she wakes up we run more tests ok okay I breathe look down at my son.
Esme -got a call from the hospital and it was my son and he sounded broken and I asked him what's wrong he cry and I asked him again what's wrong he cried and I knew that something was wrong and I told him I would be right there that I was coming I was 15 minutes away from the hospital now thankfully we live in a small town so there isn't much traffic so I'm making it I made it there in 10 minutes and I park my car and walking to the hospital and walked up to the reception desk and ask for Carlisle and she calls him and he says I will be up there in a minute and hangs up so now I'm waiting on Carlisle walk up to come and get me and then I see him and he comes running up to me and hugs me and I asked where's Edward he was crying on the phone and I couldn't get him to talk to me what's wrong with Edward he walks me to his office how do you open the door Edward setting on the couch with a baby in his arms and I can't believe my eyes I walk up to Edward and tap him on the shoulder and he looks up at with tears in his eyes and I asked him whos baby is that he's like he's mine mom mine and Bella's I look at Carlisle and he nods he has a smile on his face and says she came home she came home with Esme I look at him with disbelief and then I look at the child in my son's arms and ask can I hold him he looks at me I'm back at the sleeping child in his arms slowly hands me my grandchild I still can't believe I have a grandson and then the baby stirs in my arms he starts to wake up he opens his eyes and with no doubt in my mind I know he's Edwards baby he hasn't Edward's eyes and his Mess auburn brown hair, and he looks at me with those big green eyes and I asked Edward what's his name Anthony he breathe and runs his hands through his hair and gets up and hugs me and kiss his son's forehead and walked out of the room running his hands through his hair and I will be back I have to go check on Bella.
I walk up to the nurses station and I asked what room is Bella swan in the nurse looks at me and says room 103 I start walking down the hall and I'm right outside Bella room I turned the doorknob quietly and walking bella on the bed still in her scrubs she looks peaceful I walk up to the bed can I sit down next to her can I take her hand and whisper I love you I sit there looking at her I'm thinking to myself she is my world he's my world and I will never let go again I don't know how long I was sitting there but then she started to wake up so I look at her and wait and a few minutes later her eyes start to open but then close again then she tries to open them again this time being successful and she looks around the room trying to adjust to the light and she looks at me and has tears in her eyes when she speaks she says I'm so sorry Edward I'm so sorry I never told you I look at her and smile it's ok Bella I promise then I call one of the nurses and tell them too page dr. Cullen the nurse nods and walked out of roomC- my pager beeps so I'm pull it from my pants and look at it and it says the bellas awake so I look at my wife and tell her that I will be right back and that Bella's awake and walk out of the room down the hall I open the door to Bella's room and see Edward talking to Bella I walk in the room quietly shut the door and walk over to the back and look at the two of them for minute and then I clear my throat and they both look at me I smile and I told Bella what happened and she explained that she's had panic attacks since Anthony was born she is on medication for them but it doesn't always work and with that information I look Edward and tell him to come with me that will be right outside but then I needed to talk to him so we both get up and walk outside her door and Edward turn to me and I looked at him and breathe out okay Edward I need you to call Charlie tell him about Bella and I will try to get information from Bella too get her medical history he looked at me and nodded and walked off to one of the on-call rooms
E-I'm walking down the hallway trying to find an empty room then I find an empty on call room so I walk in there close the door lock it pace around and put my head in my hands and try to calm myself down before I call Charlie then when I come down just a little I pull out my phone from my pocket and look through my contacts and then click Charlie's name and wait for him to answer it's ringing and ringing and then I guess his partner answered and says policeChief swans phone and I say I need to speak with the police chief and his partner asked what is this regarding and I said his daughter and then he said okay let me put you on hold and I'm going to get him for you I waited on hold for him to pick up my anxiety level was through the roofs- hey chief there's someone on the phone for you did they say who they are Sam no they just said what it's regarding and what is it regarding exactly your daughter chief okay Sam patch them through okay will do hello sir now I'm going to patch you through chief okay thank you Chief he's on hold on line one
C- I push the button to line one and put the phone to my ear hello this is Chief swan what may this be regarding hello Charlie Edward Edward is that you yes Charlie it is Bella's home Charlie Bella's home she came to the hospital today because she started in job fair today was supposed to be her first day but when she saw me she freaked freak out Charlie and passed out from panic attack Charlie did You know know what Edward Charlie did you know Bella did you know know what Edward spitting out did you know Bella was pregnant with my baby when she left baby Edward what are you talkin about Charlie she had a baby she left without tell me or telling anyone for that matter she's here okay Edward let me get this straight she came home she got a job here she's there right now and that she passed out and that she had a kid yes Charlie that's exactly what I'm saying okay Edwards I'm on my way.

Roman d'amourWhat if Edward and Bella were both doctors and they knew each other and he hasn't seen her or heard from her in 2 years and she comes back into his life with kid his kid I do not own the characters we all know who owns twilight but the story line is...