E- We walk out of the hospital leaving the woman behind for a moment and I grab the keys from my dad to Bella's car and opened it while put Bella's bags in my truck I opened the backseat and took out Anthony's car seat as best I could with Anthony in my arms my dad walked over to Bella tap me on the shoulder and said Edward let me see him so moved my upper body outside of the car and handed him Anthony then took the car seat out of the car and moved it to mine then my dad hands me Anthony so he can put in the car seat and I walk over to Bella car shut the door and lock it and walked back to my car and everything was put in place now we just wait for the women to join us
15 minutes later Bella comes out looking upset with my mom following not far behind bella walks up to me we stand there for a minute before she says let's go home she takes Anthony scraps into the car seat then closes the backseat door I walked over to the passenger side of the car open her door and then walk back over to the driver side and get it she gets in a minute later I start the car back out start drive to my place she doesn't say anyting for the first 10 minutes of me driving she didn't give me directions to her place either so I just continue driving to my place Bella are you going to tell me what happened no she said not right now and I continue to drive inside silence till we got my place.
C &E - esme what happened well she waited for you guys to leave and turn back to the nurses and let them have it she told them to stop gossiping about her family and some other things but mainly about her family and then she turned around instead of walking to the door I and one of the nurses cough and said slut I know she heard it because she stopped and then she walked out the door and I came with her Carlisle you have to let this be known have them call meeting or talk to your boss and let him take care of it because I fear if that happens well she's here she may run again and I won't let that happen okay go home I we'll take care of it and if I need you I'll call you ok bye call me when your shift is over okay okay go home I will be there soon.
C-armed with the new information I just heard I walked back into the hospital past the nurses station very quick and into my office and called the chief of the hospital and gave him the rundown on what happened and he said he would take care of it in this week's meeting which was 2 days from now I said okay and left my office as a nurse approached me with a charge dr. Cullen we have a broken arm in the ER I take the chart and walk down to the ER.
E- We make it to my place I Pop the trunk and go and grab Bella stuff from the truck well she gets out of the passenger side and walks to the back seat to get Anthony and then closes grabs the keys that are still in the ignition wait for me to close the trunk and locks up the car then looks at my car keys and sees the house key she walks up to the house and opens the door and goes to sit on the couch when I get inside the house I put her bags down by the door for right now and go to the couch and sit next to her and she lays her head on my shoulder I asked her what happened she sighed and said I told them to stop gossiping about my family did I not want to hear anything come out of their mouths about my family and then I turned around walk to the door and one of them call me a slut then I walked out the door. I looked at her and said you are amazing you know that she smiled and I asked her if she was hungry she nodded her head yes I asked what she wanted she said pizza then she asked if she can take a shower I said yeah sure go ahead and order the pizza she went upstairs to my room
Leaving Anthony on the couch with me I pulled out my cell phone dial the number for Pizza then I ordered a pizza with everything on it and a pepperoni pizza gave them my address and hung up Edward I hear from upstairs so I grabbed Anthony and start heading upstairs yes Bella I said what am I supposed to wear I have nothing to wear here yes you do you're the same size as you 2 years ago two years ago right yes she said then you have clothes left side of the dresser she opens the left side of the dresser and see her shirts and sweatshirts then looks at me the whole left side with the dresser has your clothes in it Bella okay then she says and brushes I walk out of my room door back downstairs to the living room to wait for the pizza and I hear the water start to run.B-after Edward left the room I grabbed the clothes I was going to wear and then grabbed a pair of boxers from his side and took it into the bathroom and put it on the counter and started the shower waiting for it to get warm then step in and quickly wash my body turned off the shower grab the towel drying myself off and wrap it around me then I go to the counter grab the boxers slip them on then my joggers and my t-shirt and toss the towel in the hamper and walked out of bathroom door into Edwards bedroom and I walk to his bedroom door and walk out and head back downstairs where I hear Edwards talking to Anthony and he says you know I love you right and your mama too I walk into the living room insert next to Edward and just watch him bond with Anthony 20 minutes later there's a knock at the door Edward gets up and answers the door it's Pizza he walks to the kitchen grab some money off the table and hands it to a guy and I come up and take the pizzas to the living room as Edward goes to kitchen and get a sodas and hand one to me I put one on the living room table then put Anthony down on the couch then we ate we talked and went to bed

RomansaWhat if Edward and Bella were both doctors and they knew each other and he hasn't seen her or heard from her in 2 years and she comes back into his life with kid his kid I do not own the characters we all know who owns twilight but the story line is...