Chapter 7

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A/N- Hey! I'm back now uwu I just wanted to say sorry if this doesn't make much sense- I'm not re-reading or anything, just kind of going by memory I guess- Anyways, Enjoy? I seriously didn't think this story would get that popular- also I won't be using the bold, underlined, or italic text as much, if you see that it's because that part of the story was written a while ago.

Cross POV

    I was just doing some training exercises with Blue when Ink opened the door quickly. Ink had gotten back a few minutes ago and was quite happy. Guess Error had a good reaction. "Guys there's an attack happening!" Ink said catching me and Blue's attention quickly. "The attack is happening in the front area!" Ink said running off into a watch tower since he wasn't exactly able to fight at the moment. "Come on Blue we have go." I said running out of the castle with Blue being behind me. Once Blue and I got to the front area we could see Dream protecting people from Nightmares little gang. 'They're more like slaves in my opinion.' I thought as I went to help Dream. Nightmare saw me, he looked furious towards me. Not like I cared. I got out my knife to get into a fighting position next to Dream. 

~TeM sKiP~

Cross POV

    Blue, Dream, and me were victorious, though we did actually have many battle wounds. Dream was healing us the most that he could. I had a few scratches and a gash on my leg where I was stabbed by Killer. Blue had a few broken ribs, and Dream wasn't very harmed. He just had a few little cuts here and there. After we bandaged what wouldn't heal Blue went out somewhere, and hell if we know where Ink would be, he's always up to nonsense. 

    I took Dreams hand looking into his eyes. "Are you ok Dreamy?" I asked just to be sure. He giggled and nodded. "Of course I am", "I know how my brother fights". He said.  I nodded and we got we walked around making sure citizens were ok. Whilst we were doing this Blue made his way back inside to find Ink. 

    A few hours later me and Dream went back to the castle and hung out with each other. We saw Error in the castle. Blue seemed to be interrogating him as Ink assured Blue that he was fine. I just laughed at their antics as me and Dream made our way to the kitchen. Dream asked for supper to start being prepared and then came back and hugged me. I smiled at him. I knew I was lucky to have him, we aren't even meant to be together.

    In fact, we were meant to stay opposites of eachother, as I was from the Moon, and he was from the sun. I gave him a quick peck which made him blush slightly before he said, "That's not faiiir, why are you so romanticcc" He said obviously sarcastic. "Well it's easy, I just know how to make you flustered is all" I said holding him near my chest. I heard Ink yell "GeT a ROOm-" and glared at him. 

    Error started laughing his ass off as I just sighed. "Ignore the Crossy, those two are just idiots." Dream said with no hesitation. I chuckled slightly before we went to sit down and get prepared to eat. I could hear Blue scolding Ink off before they came and sat down too. We all had light conversation over dinner, and when we were done eating we went to our separate rooms for the night.

Narrators Perspective

    For the next year, things had mainly been going fine. There of course was the casual fighting between Empires, but the Moon Empire had never fully committed to taking them over.  Maybe it was because deep down, Nightmare still cared about Dream, or maybe because Cross and Error were there now too. I seemed to not mention Dust moved in as well, he and Blue seemed to be a thing now. 

    No one really knew why, but eventually they stopped attacking each other. Most things were peaceful. Ink and Errors child had been born, they named him Paperjam. PJ for short. And a few years after ended up they had another kid, this ones name Gradient. Error and Ink had a pretty good relationship, with a few fights here and there of course.

    If we move on to Cross and Dream, the main character of this story, their relationship was great! There was just Dream asking question that he didn't know, Cross figured out he didn't know a lot. Dream was ever so curious. Cross figured that out quite quickly. Cross did get a very odd letter one day though. It was from the Moon Empire.

    This letter said "You better take care of my brother or I'll have your head on my wall". That was all, one could only assume it was from Nightmare. Cross of course seemed terrifies of this. However somehow Dream seemed to take it as "Cute that his brother still has a heart for him", Cross just hesitantly agreed. 

    Remember Gradient? Well, two years after he was born, Cross and Dream had a little girl named Lux. Lux was made by Cross and Dreams soul colliding, this was on accident, but never the less Dream was excited about parenting the little one. Cross was adjusting to it, but Lux did make friends with Paperjam and Gradient well. 

    Now, when we get to Dust and Blueberry, they ended up moving out of the castle. They were still friends, of course, but Dust he didn't want to be surrounded by "gremlins" as he called the kids. Blue found that quite funny, but they did end up moving out and into a smaller house they had built. Dust had actually been surprised about Blue somehow being in the Sun Empire, as he was a small bit insane. 

    However that didn't really matter, the thing that did matter? Well, Dust originally said they moved to not be surrounded by kids, but that didn't matter any more. As Lux was around 3 years of age, there was Sprinkle turning one year, Sprinkle was Dust and Blue's kid, and Blue was pregnant with another kid who's name was to soon be decided as Fury.

    And, If you were wondering about the Moon Empire, one of the main reason they stopped attacking was because Nightmare had somehow been taken by Killer. There was no telling how it happened but it just did. Horror had also left the castle, no one knew where he went. Except me of course. However that's just for you to guess.

   Anyways, I hope you've enjoyed this story, as it was a great one to tell. Why you chose to read this of all things, that will always come as a mystery to me, but thank you anyways.

KSBVBSVJ YOU MEAN THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO STILL LIKE THIS BOOK??? I SAW COMMENTS STILL WANTING UPDATES- Okokok, well, I just decided to wrap up this book with this chapter. The main reason for this is that I'm not necessarily as active in the fandom anymore. Don't worry, I am still in it, it's just that a while back I got into the Minecraft fandom! And that's what I mainly write about now. Sorry if this upsets some of you, but I most likely won't write another UT book, unless I do, Idk lol. Anyways, thanks for reading even though all the chapters above this are fucking trash- 

Word count- 1275

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