|8| slow and steady

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It's a good way to start your Sunday by asking out a girl at eight in the morning.

Walking down the road, looking around, he adjusts his glasses with his right hand slowly. Ignoring the attention he'd brought on some of the girls, ignoring the birds chirping in the morning, he ignores everything, relying on his last remaining cells to flush his uneasiness as he recollects his memory about a certain character the girl had written in the book.

And just like the main character, the girl is also unnamed.
I suppose you can say that this girl had placed her interest towards the protagonist. 

There's this girl in my class.

I don't think there's any need for me to name her in here, it's unnecessary.

To shorten my explanation, I loathe her.

She kept smiling at me with such pity, it's sickening. I don't get why she pitied me so much, this one-sided friendship is getting out of hand. To have someone looking at me like that is disgusting, it makes me want to barf. Just one look, it was enough for me to tell how much she knows about me. 

She knows about my life through our parents, but not what I feel. If only she'd known my horrendous thoughts that isn't what people call 'normal' anymore, my lack of sympathy, would she still pity me?

'You frown too much, you know?'

Shut up.

It's the first time I've ever wanted to rip a girl's face apart.
Not even my parents who gave me bruises made me place such hatred towards them. I don't care what others do to my body, I don't care if someone tries to murder me. Just don't look at me like that, you're making me feel ashamed of myself more than how I already am.

I am very aware of how pitiful I am as a lump of mess. I wouldn't care if you beat me up, insult me and spit on my face, it would never matter as I have already grown accustomed to it. But to see someone in the likes of her to think pitying me is a good idea is disgusting. 

But for some reason I couldn't bring myself to yell at her.

Their friendship feels one sided, just like the girl in the story. Hence, remembering that specific part of the story made him feel rather insecure about himself. 

Was he too annoying? Does she dislike his presence? Did he said something to secretly offend her?

Or is he overthinking everything?

If he even asked any of those to Iwaizumi, Oikawa is sure that his friend would laugh his ass off about it. The laid-back and confident Oikawa Tooru, showing his paranoia to someone already sounds like something meme-worthy if the team knows about it. If the team even knows about it, he'll be sure to die the very next second due to embarrassment.

But back to the matter at hand.
He's now standing on front of her house, his knees were barely supporting him (maybe because he wasn't wearing his knee supporter) anymore when he finally rings the bell after a bunch of rehearsals to practice his smile that he claims to be 'charming'. How easily she falters his confidence in his knowledge of her imperfect perfection is something praise-worthy.

The door opens little by little, revealing (F/n) in her casual clothes that doesn't show much skin because she feels uncomfortable with exposing a tad bit too much skin in her liking. Seeing her without her school uniform is quite a refreshment for him. Plus, (F/n) seemed more relaxed wearing these clothes, which he mentally took note from.

"I didn't know you wear glasses," (F/n) starts the conversation, he was taken aback by her unusual curiosity that was poked by the subject of his glasses.

He took her hand without a warning, nor a second thought. "Do I look better with it?" Oikawa asks while hiding the smallest hint of fraught, a smirk and smile formed on his face with such balance━it amuses her how someone so attractive can manage such a captivating expression for her to witness.

Fingers intertwined with each other subconsciously without their realization, (F/n) didn't try to even bother hiding her intense gaze at him after his question, she ought to give him a honest answer for his inquiry. (F/n) was too oblivious to notice the blush growing on his cheeks.

"... You're already handsome to begin with, and glasses just adds more to your charms in my opinion,"

An upfront and genuine answer.
It's a direct hit to the setter, he feels his heart almost explode━pounding dramatically by a foreign feeling. Discomfort? He doesn't think so, it brings a sense of glee to his heart he affirms to be small for anything else except volleyball.

She's evocative, it's almost scary.

"That's nice to hear..." Oikawa mumbles, impulsively clasping her hand. She didn't mind the fact that they're holding hands as acquaintances, owing the fact that it's been a while since the last time (F/n) had held someone's hand before, the relaxation Oikawa brings by his radiant actions is intoxicating, but in a good way.

The rest of the walk is soothing, undisturbed by anything or anyone. The reposeful element she brings upon him is something he could get used to with such ease. 

Maybe their 'friendship' isn't that one-sided after all. 

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