|13| validating wounds

392 31 12

(F/n)'s best friend, Semi Eita, hands over the classic cup of vanilla ice-cream she'd get from him every time they hung out together, taking a midnight stroll near the road for no particular reason at all. "Thank you for the usual treat, Eita," (F/n) giggles, holding the vanilla ice cream ecstatically. Her fragrance gets thinner and the atmosphere is calmer by the second.

"I'm surprised you get along with Shirabu pretty well," Semi mentions, digging his nail into the canned cola to open it, earning a satisfying sound as it flicked open. "He doesn't even listen to the most of the guys in my team when it's outside volleyball. Yet he didn't even hesitate to help you with your homework," 

Yeah, studying is that bad for her until she needed the help of her new junior friend from Shiratorizawa Academy to help her. 

(F/n) holds his hands, simply because she's cold and sometimes ice-cream has their own cons during the night. Semi laughs softly, letting her link their arms while looking at her as if he's asking if she's warmer now, and (F/n) nods gently.

She sheepishly stirs the surface of the ice cream with the small plastic spoon, "I think he's just being nice to his senior,"

"Or if he's secretly really  domestic for you,"

Of course, despite her aura that screams how elegant and intelligent she is, her grades are barely passing the average mark. The only thing she could even do at this point is art, and it's quite devastating to see. It's not like she has anything in particular that can assure her future aside from painting up until now. (F/n) is simply miserable without her ability to draw. Writing is out of the question, she doesn't feel any desire when it comes to writing except for the book she'd published. Heck, the idea itself was already based off from reality.

"Hey," Semi calls her out, "Did you remember when our parents planned on making us marry that time?" he says, changing the topic. To which he earns a horrible attempt of (F/n) swallowing her ice cream, coughing from shock.

(F/n) grimaced, "Everyone mistake us as a couple all the time, I honestly expected that coming from how clingy I am. With zero offense though, I really have no intentions to marry my own best friend,"

"Don't worry, I feel the same way," he chimes in, the grip on her hand loosened. 

The reason as in why he spoke of that subject out of nowhere, is because he's aware of an uninvited presence of a certain volleyball player, Oikawa Tooru. Semi isn't oblivious, so he does not intend to interfere with the other setter's love life. But Semi could not help but to worry whether if it's a good idea or not. 

Oikawa was certainly envious. 

Yet, envious was not enough to convey what Oikawa is feeling towards Semi Eita, he considers it to be an understatement. Oikawa had no idea why he felt like going out during nighttime to buy a soda in the same brand as the one he bought for her, the first time he'd ever conversed properly for the first time in the club room, just the two of them. But once he was there, Oikawa could only watch (F/n) and Semi, their arms linked.

Thankfully he overheard their friendly conversation that was enough to assure him that they are friends. Therefore his neediness clung onto him and he wanted to be her first. 

(F/n)'s voice sounded so luxuriating when she was with Semi, he never knew she could even be so friendly and carefree around someone before. It is like the fact that she is a depressed writer had never existed to begin with. Oikawa's fingers felt itchy to just grab her wrist and pull her away from the pinch server, as cliche it may sound, he desired to do so.

But he could never do that, as he believes that he is truly a coward when it comes to a certain girl named (F/n) (L/n).

"Oikawa, are you okay?"
The empty art class, the same soda and milk bread he often bought just for the two of them. The empty canvas  mocks her for her lack of productivity. The undying covet to do many affectionate things to her. His finger reaches out to hers slowly, stroking it lovingly as he physically studies her fragile fingers that is unbelievably soft.

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