|11| unnecessary thoughts

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It's normal for Oikawa to receive love letters or gifts inside his locker, not that he doesn't enjoy it, but it just looks like something he'd gotten used to that doesn't hold much meaning to his days anymore.

"Oikawa, a girl is looking for you,"

Hanamaki calls Oikawa from the entrance of the gym. The setter holds the urge to spit on the relatively clean floor dismissively due to a person which he assumes to be a mere fan intruding his practice inside the gym. He lets out a heavy sigh before turning his head only to see a beloved Aoba Johsai student whom he adores, every flake of aggravation cleansed the moment his eyes falls upon to such a stunning figure of his idol, (F/n) (L/n).

"(L/n)!" he whisper-shouts. (F/n) slightly jumps from his sudden high-pitched voice stirred with thrill and anxiousness.

His friend, Hanamaki raises an eyebrow to her name that he clearly have heard before. He remembers that this girl is the the person Oikawa could never shut up about. Then, walking away while eyeing him from behind just to see those brown irises of his drawn onto her is amusing to watch. 

"Hey, sorry for uh.. disturbing you," she bites her bottom lip, a seemingly obvious habit for her to do so whenever she feels the slightest bit of discomfort. She trails off from where she'd left, "It's not much, but please take it as my thank you," her small hands touching his large ones, the surface of her soft skin makes his heart batter with such relish. Oikawa believes that this is what people call as a blessing. She gives him a bag full of goods, milk bread, a volleyball-themed keychain, and so on.

Oikawa Tooru, the best setter in Miyagi Prefecture, a man whose exterior is confident, is at loss of words by small bag within his grasp.

And that is caused by (F/n) (L/n).

"I love you,"

A few seconds passed.
Until he finally realizes what he'd just said.

Before he could even protest his words that are deemed to be true, (F/n) lets out a soft laughter, unaware of the reddened Oikawa Tooru on front of her. "You're a weird fan, Oikawa," she tucks in her hair gently, finally looking up at Oikawa's gladden expression. But then he ralizes━did he just got fanzoned? 

It's not like that (F/n)'s dense, she just doesn't believe in the possibility of Oikawa Tooru to hold such significant feelings for her. Or even anyone towards her in general. So if anyone were to hold feelings for the author, and she notices the signs of it, she would immediately push it away and think that she's just imagining it.

Oikawa's frail fingers holds the bag intensely, words stuck inside his throat by the stricken gush of emotions the girl is making him feel. Her lucid smile continuously nullifies each step of his courage to step over their boundaries, she enervates him without any efforts placed. Oikawa finds himself falling for her multiple times by the slightest contact, to fall in love with her pathetically in such a short span of time is almost laughable.

"(F/n), are you done yet?"

Semi makes an appearance from behind, catching both Oikawa and (F/n)'s attention as the ash-haired student who's visibly wearing Shiratorizawa's uniform makes the brunette grimace, he recognizes him to be their biggest enemy's pinch server, Semi Eita. Hence, with the knowledge that he's in a first name basis with her doesn't make it any better.

Little did they know that the reason for Semi's sudden call is because he's interested to see this mysterious guy who proceeds to be the topic of their conversation recently. She never gave out the details of this boy, and to see that it's Oikawa Tooru, Semi's unsure whether if he should be suspicious of his intentions or keep his formality due to the status Oikawa holds.

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