Chapter 5

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~Andy P.O.V~

It's been a week since Yeah-Yeah took my virginity, we haven't told the boys. Scotty and I walked down to the sandlot. Everyone ignored me besides Alan.

After a few hours of playing, we got tired and were hanging out in the dugout. I was sitting in between Scotty and Yeah-Yeah, he had his arm over my shoulders and I had my head on his shoulder.

"We know what you guys did," Timmy says

"What you guys did" Tommy repeats. 

I was in shock, we didn't tell anyone. We knew this would happen and we didn't want that.

"I'm sorry Bubble Gum, I saw you guys getting undressed when I went in your room to get my bat and when the guys asked where you went it just slipped out don't hate me," Scotty says talking so fast it was hard to understand him.

"Smalls what the hell!" Alan yells getting up. 

"Alan sit down," I say. He sits. I looked at all of them, it was hard to tell what they were thinking.

"Well? Does this change the way you guys see me?" I ask quietly. They all looked at each other and that's when I realized Benny looked like he wanted to kill Yeah-Yeah. Ham noticed and started making his way towards him, but Benny got up and started yelling.

"Dude what the fuck she could've gotten pregnant! Why would you have sex with the girl I've liked since the day we saw her!" Benny was pissed and I knew he was going to hit Alan

~Yeah-Yeah P.O.V~

I was at the sandlot playing ball with the gang but they seemed to ignore me. 

Later that day when we were in the dugout Smalls says he knows what we did. I panic because I didn't tell anyone. I felt like punching Smalls but I didn't because I know Andy would get mad at me. When I sat down, Benny lunged at me. He knocked me over and we started rolling around on the dirt punching each other.

~Andy P.O.V~

"Guys stop!" I yelled. Ham pulled Benny away and Kenny pulled Yeah-Yeah away. Why do they always start fighting like this! I slept with one of the boys and then another one gets jealous! They need to stop. I grabbed Benny by the ear and pulled him to the pitcher’s mound.

"Benjamin Franklin Rodriguez!" I yelled, "Stop getting jealous, I'm not ever going to date you or have a fling with you!" I ran home, up the steps, and threw myself on my bed, and cried.

After what felt like an eternity I stopped crying. Alan walked into my room, sat down next to me, and hugged me. I started crying again in his arms. He hugged me tighter and I felt some tears land on my head. I looked up at him and wiped his tears away.

"I'm so sorry." He says. 

"Hey it wasn't your fault, I'm sorry." He kissed me but it wasn't like a regular kiss. It was passionate and full of sparks! It turned into a makeout session. We broke away and for the first time, I realized how lucky I was to be dating a guy like him. He grabbed my waist and pulled me next to me. We cuddled for a little bit then fell asleep. 

~Yeah Yeah P.O.V~

I went to Andy's house to apologize for lashing out. I was crying but she kissed me, it was amazing. Her lips we so soft and the kiss was so passionate, I couldn't help but smile. We pulled apart and I pulled her down on the bed with me. We cuddled for a little but then I felt her body relax and her breathing slow down. She looked so peaceful when she slept I wanted to kiss her again but I don't want to wake her. So instead I closed my eyes and fell asleep next to her. 


Hope you liked this chapter! I wanted to post an update soon so here you go!

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