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I'm really drunk right now...

"You live tonight" says Chloe

"Just having fun, celebrating all my hard work" I say as I dance around her

"I'm so glad you're enjoying yourself G" says Chloe

"Yeah,I'm gonna go find some weed" I say as I walk away

"Go on girl" says Chloe laughing

"Did she just say weed" says Diggy

"Yeah but she doesn't do drugs" says Chloe continuing to dance

I walked all the way to the back of the building and sat on the ground outside.

"Look what happened, I went out on a limb and now I have no date at this stupid company party" I say looking up"How is this helping me move on"

"Tell me" I say

I look in front of me and I see someone riding by on a bike. But what is that I smell...weed.


The person turns around and rides the bike towards me. Now is probably a bad time to realize this could be a murder.


"You mind sharing"

"Your not the cops are ya"

"No, I'm at my company party and I was looking for weed, then I came out here to see you...with weed"

She wouldn't tell me her name but I wasn't tripping over that. She rolled one up and gave it to me. I asked her to stay and smoke with me and she did.

"You from here" I say

"No, but this is home now"

"Are you in witness protection or something" I say giggling

"What kind of question is that"

That made her smile a little, it was cute.

"Am I holding you up" I say

"No, I'm good"

"Okay cool" I say

"What's up with the glasses, it's dark as fuck out here"

"I'm in mourning" I say"Forever"

"...I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring you down"

"No it's cool" I say

We sit out there for an hour and just smoke and talk she was very sweet. She gave me her jacket because I started getting cold. I put my head on her shoulder.

"Aren't your friends gonna be worried about you"

"I guess not" I say laughing

"I'm a complete fucking stranger and you have on my jacket"

"You won't be a stranger if I knew your name" I say looking into her eyes

"What do you want to call me"

She just laughs and asks me the same question again. I noticed her put her hand on mine. It was weird but for some reason I liked it.

"You ever done anything crazy" I say

"Actually No"

"I didn't expect that" I say"You seem like a risk taker"

"I seem fucked up is what you're saying...was it the tattoos?'

"I mean you have one on your face" I say

"Maybe I'm trying to be a rapper"

She smiled so I knew she was just joking. It's was really cute....

So my drunk ass decided to kiss her. Her lips were so soft and the way she starts grabbing on my thighs. I'm straddling her at this point we are going at it. 7 feet away from a dumpster might I add. I was a second away from telling her to stop but then she grabbed my ass and I kind of lost my train of thought.

"Gabby" says Chloe coming from the door

I'm also sure she seen us because of the look she gave me. She just smiled and shook her head with her hand cross her mouth.

"Girl my bad" says Chloe"But were about to leave"

"What's your name" I say


She looks at me for a second then gets on her bike and rides off.

"You know you're gonna tell me what happened... right?" Says Chloe"You were about to risk it all"

"Shut up" I say smaking her arm

"I'm glad you had a good time" says Chloe"Make sure you know their name next time"

We left and went back to my place. Diggy had work early so he went back home. Chloe and I lay across the bed as I tell her every detail.

"But the part that surprised me was the kiss, it made me light up inside" I say

"You gotta find this girl then" says Chloe

"I have her jacket" I say

I picked the jacket up and held it up. It says Boulder, Colorado State University track team.

"I don't know anyone from there" says Chloe"Maybe if you go in that same area tonight you'll find her"

"Will you go with me" I say

"You really crushing on her G" says Chloe smiling"I will go with you tonight"

"Cool, I gotta sleep now because my head is hurting" I say as Chloe walks out

I couldn't stop thinking about her, literally all night and through the day. Me and Chloe just layed around pretty much until it was close to time to go out looking for mystery girl.

"We look like weridos out here" says Chloe with her coat on

"You were the one that said we should do this" I say looking around

"Maybe I was wrong girl, just maybe" says Chloe" Oh here comes someone on a bike"

Right when the guy passes he jumps of the bike and snatches Chloe's purse.

"No,no,no" says Chloe as she starts crying

"Hey, another company party" says the mystery girl

"No that guy stole my friends purse" I say

"Him...I'll catch him" says the mystery girl taking off running

"Damn!" says Chloe pausing for a second the starts crying again

"I guess your idea worked" I say as we both look down the street

"There goes you track star"

She had caught up to him and was fighting him for a second. Then she turns and runs towards us.

"Here you go" says The girl looking at Chloe

"Ooh girl you gonna kill me" says Chloe looking embarrassed"Gabby this is Kehlani, she's diggys sister"

"You know her this whole time...nice to meet you" I say getting myself together

"I'm gonna go okay, you got her right" says Chloe backing away slowly

"Yeah" says Kehlani breathing really hard

"Good night" I say

"I came out to look for you too" says Kehlani wiping sweat away

She looks so sexy in the tank top she had on. She was talking but I was too busy looking at her lifting the bottom of her shirt to wipe her face.

"So you want to roll" says Kehlani smiling

"Yeah" I say smiling

"Cool, doggy is gone so I'll shower then we can chill" says Kehlani" I parked 2 blocks away"

"Let's go then" I say


Secrets We Keep (H.E.R X Kehlani)Where stories live. Discover now