Chapter 17

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It was midnight. The hour hand of the clock was somewhere between 2 and 3 and the minute hand was at 5, when Vansh entered His room or should be called as their room.

The room was dark and the only source of light was the bedside lamp which was placed at both the sides of the bed.

He looked towards the bed and the person who was sleeping there peacefully. The scene in front of him make his lips slightly curved upward. He went to her and sat on the ground in front of her.

Vansh's POV

I entered my room to see her  sleeping peacefully on the bed. She had a little smile adoring her beautiful lips must be dreaming something nice, her hand was on her little baby bump, must be dreaming something related to it. It made me smile too.

Slowly I went to her and sat down on the floor near her. I was looking at her beautiful face which was glowing more because of the light falling on her face. I didn't even notice when my hand touched her face but I found myself caressing her face.

I still remember the day when I first saw her in Melbourne in a business summit. She was different from the other girls present their. She was simple yet elegant. She was clad in formal dress with her hair open and with no make up on.

On the first site I got attracted towards her. I don't know when my eyes started following her but I lost track of her when one of my old client came to me for a chat. Till the time I excused myself she was nowhere to be seen.

Our second encounter was in the wedding of a common friend, where for the first time we got to introduce ourselves. I was so mesmerized by her beauty that I was not able to utter a single word in front of her. It was the groom who introduced us.

After chatting with her I got to know that we both have so much in common. We instantly gelled up. We became friends from there.

After that day we met each other few more times and with every meeting we came closer to each other and then one day I proposed her.

I was afraid what if she rejects me? But it never happened she accepted me and we started dating.

Those were the most beautiful moments of my life. Thinking all these things a smile crept on my lips. I caressed her face lovingly.

But everything has been changed now.... You have changed... You are not the same Myra I fell in love with..... I wish you would be her.... I wish you would remain the same.....

I got up with a jerk when my dark past hit me and I left my room.....


Raunak's POV

I woke when the sun rays falls on my face. I got up rubbing my eyes and looked all around the room for her when my eyes fell on the side table.

I was going to take my phone when a beautifully framed photograph caught my eye. I took that frame in my hand. It was a very old photo, must be Divya's childhood picture. There were three girls but only one of them caught my attention.....

"Raunak..." I heard Divya's voice and put the frame on it's original place and got down from my bed.

"Raunak... It's good that you are up now go and get ready and come down for breakfast everyone is waiting for you." She said and left from there.

I went to washroom still thinking about the photo.... I know that girl.... I met her before... But I could not remember who she is....

End of POV


Avni's POV

I reached Jaipur today morning and from airport directly came here to the hospital to meet Priya.

After my parents death I went under depression but she helped me to came out of it. She is the only one who understands me more than I do, and I she is lying here on this hospital bed with wires attached to her.

She has been unconscious the time she came out of the O.T. and here I am waiting for her to open her eyes.

I don't know how will I survived if she wasn't there for me but thanks to her she was always there for me whenever I needed. She is my extended family.

"Avni..." I came out of my thoughts hearing a cry.

"Avni... Where is Priya? How is she? What happened to her?..." Aunty (Priya's mother)  said with uncontrollable tears coming out of her eyes.

"Aunty calm down.... I... I don't know what happened with her or how did this happen but now she is out of danger doctor said she will be wake up soon...." I said controling my own tears. Aunty is like my own mother and I can't see her cry. So did the only thing which came in my mind I hugged her as tightly as possible.


It was evening. We are at the hospital since god knows when. Priya's situation is still same.

I was sitting on the bench outside her room when my phone ranged with unknown number. I went to a corner and received the call.

It was from the person I never expected to meet again. Forget meeting I wasn't even expecting him to call me but I am glad he did because he is one of those persons I miss in these years.


Sorry guys for the late reply but I had my exams and just get over it on Saturday....  And also sorry for those who was not able to read this chapter few minutes back. Actually I published the unfinished chapter so I had to unpublish  it.... Sorry.

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