Chapter 28

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Myra's POV

That day after Mom and Dad left for Jaipur... It took us a long time  to get back to normal... Dad realised his mistakes and at the end we forgive him but they didn't came back here... We just met occasionally.

Everyone came back to their original self or trying to be normal but one thing didn't change and that is our relationship.... After Mom, Dad left that day itself  I shifted my stuff to the guest room... And from that time we are living under the same roof but  in different rooms....

It has been five months and now I am in my last month of pregnancy... It very difficult to do anything at this time....

"Mahi.... Are you ready? " Vansh said breaking my trance....

"Yes.... Wait I am coming.... " I said as I took my purse and went out... He was sitting on the couch impatiently tapping his foot on the ground.

He came to me as he saw me coming towards him... He hold me by my shoulder and helped me walk till the car... As he promised me he changed himself completely.... He took care of me help me in doing everything to improve our relation but I always turn down his attempts.... He even took leave from office and working from home to take care of me .... I asked him to not to do so but he replied  he is doing all this for his daughter.... Yes wants a daughter and always says that he have a gut feeling that we will have a daughter.

In all these months he only proved that he can be a good father but also made a small road to my heart by his love that he showers everyday on me.... Unknowingly I started fell in love with him all over again I want to ask him to get back together... But I don't know how to?


We were in doctors cabin it was my last check up before my due date for delivery.

We reached home after the checkup and as I opened the door it was dark... All the lights were  off and then suddenly...

"Surprise!" I looked in front of me and saw everyone there with a cake on the centre.

"Happy birthday Mahi.... I looked at him who was looking at me lovingly... Our eyes met but not for a long time as Avi and Doll dragged me to cut the cake.

End of POV.


Vansh's POV

The party was fun. I enjoyed it very much. It was my plan  to give her surprise... I arranged and everything with the help of Raunak and Papa.... Yes, papa means my father-in-law.... He asked me to call him that... And I gladly agreed.

After knowing the truth of my family I was shocked, heartbroken but more than that I was guilty for my deeds...

After Mom Dad left I went to Papa ( Myra's Dad) and told him everything.
He was angry but didn't said anything  I waited for few minutes and then left from there without getting an answer... After three days he called me to his office and told me that he was angry with me but he will forgive me once Myra will  forgive me...

I was in my own world when a knock on the door disturbed me... I opened the door and was surprised to see the person there.

"Mahi...." I said confused. "Mahi what are you doing here? You  should rest ?.... It's very late go to your room." I said concerned about her being here
at this time... She didn't say anything and just walked passed me in the room.

I turned around to look at her only to see her settling herself on the bed.

"Vansh.... Why are you still standing there? come in and  sleep and please let me sleep I am very tired." She told me as if it was normal.... I looked at her for some more seconds before going towards her.... I don't want to assume any things and ruin the chances of me getting her back.

So I took my pillow from the bed and decided to sleep on the couch when she stopped me holding my hand.

"Where are you going?.... Can't you understand why  am I here?...." She said irritated... But I didn't say anything... And waited for her to continue. She came near me and hugged me tightly while saying....

"I want to forget everything.... Forget the past and start a fresh with you..... It took me a long time to realise that I only wanted to be with you.... Please Vansh.... Please. Let's forget everything.... I know you had also suffered all this time like I am.... I know I realized it late but we can still give us a second chance... can't we?" She asked me looking deep in my eyes with her hopeful eyes.

I didn't wait for another second and wrapped my arms around her securely. I kissed her forehead lovingly.... This is the only thing I wanted...My mahi.

After like eternity we detached for that hug and moved to bed to sleep.... She lay down beside me hugging me tightly as I also wrapped a hand around her body.

After a long time I was sleeping peacefully.... with her besides me.... Hardly an hour past after I felt asleep but I had to open my eyes because of the countinuos sound of someone screaming my name.... I woke up only to realise that it was Mahi..... Her water broke..... Panic was clearly visible on my face I was running From here to there not knowing what to do when a pillow hit my head... I looked at her who was huffing badly....  Damn women she should go for Olympics her aim is so perfect at this time too.

I was apriciating  her in my mind when she screamed again and I realized at what situation we are in...

I helped her till the car and we went to hospital.... I don't know what was happening around me.... I was blank... I was worried for Mahi and our baby.

It's been very long they took her inside I can hear her screams... I also wanted to go in but she strictly said No as she thinks I will panic.... I know she is right but I want to go in.... I wanted to be beside her but she is stubborn and at this time.... I can't take the risk to get killed before my baby born..... Everybody is here beside me.... And also worried like me.

"Vansh.... Don't worry they will be fine... I know you are nervous.... And it's Ok to be nervous at this time..." Papa said putting a comforting hand on my shoulder.... I looked at him and he smiled....

I was lost in my thoughts when  I heard the door opening and quickly got up.... Doctor came out and announced the birth of my angle.... I was happy.... Suddenly I felt someone hugging me.... It was Raunak.

"Congratulations... Veerey." He said and broke the hug after him everybody congratulate  me one by one.

I was eager to meet both the angels of my life.... When I entered her ward I saw Mahi sleeping and beside her a crib was placed where my angel was in her Dreamland... I went to the crib and instantly fell in love with that innocent small angel.

I was hesitant to pick her up but the nurse helped me to hold her... She is pretty.... Very pretty.... I was looking at her sleeping face when a lone tear escaped my eyes.

I went near Mahi and placed her gingerly beside her mother.... I kissed both of there forehead and muttered a thank you.

Sensing my presence Mahi woke up... She looked at me as I hold her hand gently in a firm grip.

"Thank you... Mahi... Thank you for giving me this chance... Thank you for bringing this angle in our life... Thank you for giving birth to a father in me.... Thank you Mahi for not going away from me even after knowing everything.... " I was going to continue when she placed her finger on my lips signalling me to be quite.

"You talk so much.... Put a break on your thank you express and listen carefully.... I love you.... I will love you till my last breath..." She said looking at me lovingly.


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