Chapter 27

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On the other side of the hospital Myra, Divya and Raunak was waiting impatiently for Avni to gain consciousness.

At the same they saw her opening her eyes slowly... Divya and Myra quickly went to her side as Raunak went out to inform the doctor.

In few seconds doctor came and checked her ... After being assured that she is fine they left.

"Myra.... Where is Bhai didn't he came to meet me." Avni asked sadly as she thought his brother didn't came even after  knowing her situation.

"No... Avi.... He was here few minutes ago but went out to attend a call he will come in a minute." Myra said defending Vansh.... Hearing this a small smile came on Avni's face.

"But It's been long that he left.... Where is he? Wait... Let me go and check." Raunak said and rushed out of the ward.

He was looking for Vansh in the corridor when he heard his voice coming from the other side of the corridor.... He went there only to find Vansh arguing with Mr. Mittal as he was telling him Mahir Mittal's truth.

He looked at his friend who was breaking down with each passing second.... He want to go there and hug him but waited there to know the whole truth himself.... He didn't heard the whole conversation but most of it which make him realise what must had happened in his friends life.

After few minutes he saw Vansh leaving that place ignoring Mr. Mittal's pleads... He too left the place behind his friend.


Vansh's POV

I was not in my senses after knowing the truth of my family.... They all ditched me.... They used me.

I was walking aimlessly when someone stopped me by putting their hand on my shoulder I turned around to see Raunak there. By looking at him I didn't think about anything else.... I hugged him tightly letting my tears flow.... He reciprocated my gesture and caressed my back lovingly to console me like he used to do when I first went to hostel and used to cry for going back home.

After I calm down a little he dragged me to the nearby empty bench.... We sat there for few minutes lost in our own thoughts when I heard him...

"I heard everything...." He said and I looked at him not knowing what to say.

"No.... I didn't wanted to eavesdrop your conversation... I was just looking for you when I spotted you with uncle and heard that.... I didn't heard everything but..... Most of that." He said trying to justify his actions. I looked at him and smiled a little.

"Vansh... I know whatever happened was wrong but it wasn't your fault so stop being a crybaby and let's go Avni was looking for you." He said holding my hand as he stand up to go.

"I... Can't..." I said slowly releasing my hand from his hold. "I can't go in.... I don't have the courage to face Myra after whatever I did with her.... I can't even expect her to forgive me.... In my stupid revenge I ruined her life.... I accused her of cheating me... I misbehaved with her and... And tourchered her.... How could I do that.... In this fucking revenge I turned into a monster... I didn't even cared for my baby... And for which revenge I have done all of that.... It is so simple to say that... that I was manipulated but... What I did is still wrong it's a crime.... " I said and broke down again in front of him...

He wrapped his hands around me in a comforting manner and consoled me.

"Vansh.... I won't say what you did was right but yes you were used by them because of someone's silly obsession... But nothing can't be change by crying here alone.... You did wrong with everyone around you.... But the most effected one was Myra... So go and ask for her forgiveness only then you can be at peace." He said breaking the hug.

"She won't forgive me... She hates me... And I deserve it...." I said looking down.

"Let her decide whether she wants to forgive you or not... And remember one thing she loves you I saw that in her eyes... So just get up and go to her." He said encouraging me looking straight in my eyes.

End of POV


Myra's POV

We were waiting for those idiots to come... I don't have any idea where they are?.... I was worried and I can see the same expression on Avi's and Doll's face too.

Suddenly the door got opened and both of them came in with fallen faces. I didn't know what happened outside but the look on their faces was making me worried.

I didn't asked anything there because of Avi.... But I decided to ask him when we will go back.

We came back home at around an hour ago.... From the time I came here I didn't find that snake here and glad about that but I sensed some tension between Vansh and Dad.

When I reached our room I saw him sitting on the couch lost in his thoughts... I wanted to ask him many things but I don't wanted to involve in any argument with him so I ignored him and was going towards the washroom when I felt him holding my arm.

I looked at him and find tears in his eyes... He was crying. His every tear was pricking my heart... I went to him and gently wiped his tears.

"Ma.... Mahi..... Mahi... I am sorry.... I... am sorry. I know after what I did one sorry won't be enough.... Mahi.... Mahi... They used me.... " He said as he broke down in more tears....  I was confused by what he was saying who used him and for what. He told me everything clearing my confusion.... I was shocked to know about that snakes mental condition but hurt to know about dad's behaviour.... towards him.... But his behaviour all this time hurt me the most.... I know he was misguided but those days with him was like a nightmare for me.

I didn't said anything and looked at him he was looking down with guilt... "Vansh... " I called him and he looked at me with his glossy eyes.

"I am sorry but it's tough for me to forgive you.... Yes I love.... After whatever you did I still love you.... I want to hate you but I can't... I just want to kill myself for loving a person like you..." I said as his head snapped at me.

"But I can't because I am not alone.... Yes you don't deserve my forgiveness but this baby deserve it's father.... And I know you are not a good husband but I can give you a chance to become a good father.... Please at least this time don't disappoint me." I said  and left from there... And went to another room for sleep.

I wanted to leave this house after knowing the truth but I can't.... I can't leave him.... I can't leave him.

Next day when we woke up everything thing was changed Mom and already have left the house and went back to Jaipur only leaving a letter behind in which they asked for our forgiveness... And also said that he sent that snake back to Nainital for his treatment...

I was somewhere sad to know that they went back to Jaipur but somewhere I know it is important for everyone of us.

End of POV.


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