Chapter 26

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Vansh's POV.

I looked at the name plate which clearly shows that the cabin belongs to Dr. Anita Sharma who was a psychiatrist.

I was confused that what happened to Dad and Chachu for them to came to a psychiatrist.... Is everything okay?.... Just then Dad came out and looked horrified seeing me there.

"Va... Vansh... You.... What are doing here? " He asked me stuttering.

"I am here because of Avi... She met with an accident but she is fine now.... But first you tell me... What are you both doing here?" I asked twitching my brows.

"Oh... It's no... nothing... Leave that lets go to meet Avi.... Where is she? How is she?" He said in an attempt to change the topic.

I can clearly see in his eyes that he was hiding something from me or may be from all of us... The way both of them went in that cabin and only Dad came out.... There is something which is not right?.

"Dad... She is fine.... But you tell me what are you guys doing here? and what is Chachu doing there? What happened to him? Is he alright?.... Why does he need a psychiatrist?.... Tell me dad.... Please.... All of this is so confusing... Please tell me." I asked him irritated by his attempts to hide the truth.

"Sorry.... But I can't tell you." He said hanging his head low.

"What?... But why?" I asked him a bit loudly as with each passing second I started to lose my patience.... But he didn't said anything.

"Ok.... You don't need to tell me anything..... I will just go in and ask that doctor myself." I said as I stepped towards the cabin.

"No... Wait.... I will tell you." He said holding my hand as an attempt to stop me from going in. "But not here...." He continued and dragged me with him to a corner.

There weren't many people around us... I was looking at him waiting for him to say something.

"Mahir is suffering from Schizophrenia and Scadenfreude at the same time... Which is very rare to happen at the same time with the same person... But can happen because of the situations or surroundings.

"What is all that?" I asked him twitching my brows.

"Actually.... Both of these are mental disorders.... Schizophrenia is the disorder in which people hallucinates things, moments or even people.... They create a world of there own which have no relation with reality....and in Scadenfreude, people find pleasure in seeing other person suffer. That is their only joy." He said looking at me.... I was startled to hear it.

"But how?... He looks normal.... When did this happen..." I somehow managed ask not able form a full sentence.

"People with these disorders seems to be normal but they aren't. We didn't know about it.... Until Avanti's marriage got fixed with Gaurav Agarwal.... Avanti was our neighbour and she and Mahir was very good friends... Both of them were always together.... But everything changed when they grew up.... He started liking Avanti and later this liking turned into obsession.... He started hallucinating her everywhere. He even create a world of his own where Avanti was his girlfriend.... But his world got disturbed by the news of Avanti's Marriage.... He couldn't take that news and tried to commit suicide but wasn't successful at his attempt because of your father.... Your father found him when he was going towards Mahir's room... He saw him lying unconscious on the floor with a bleeding wrist... We managed to take him to the hospital on time.... After that we consult some councillors as per doctors advice and get to know that he has schizophrenia... Doctor advised us to take him away from those things which can trigger his mind... So I send him to Nainital for his treatment." He said looking nowhere in particular.... I was stunned after this revelation.... That he lied to me that day about Myra's mom.

He again continued breaking my trance. "After he went to Nainital.... And started taking treatment he  was recovering.... He used to come here to meet us occasionally but after your parents death one day I found him smirking alone at a corner when every other person was mourning over their death.... I got suspicious but shrugged it...." He was saying when I cut his sentence in the middle.

"D... di..did he was behind Papa's death?" I asked hoping to be wrong....

"No... No Vansh.... He didn't kill your father." He said defending his brother.

"Then.... Is it Myra's father like he said because I know that you all lied to us about our Fathers death... He never died in a car accident... And after knowing his mental condition..... now I am sure neither Myra's father killed him.... So tell me what's the truth?.... Why did you guys lied to me?" I asked him raising my voice a bit.

"Myra's father, Gaurav Agarwal was an amazing businessman and one of the top businessman of that time.... Your father met him in a business summit and decided to launch a new company together as partners.... After that your father with you all shift here and they became best of friends.... life was going smooth for them until one day someone kidnapped Divya for ransom... Myra's father with your  father's and police's help track down that person's location they went there everything to bring her back. when the most unfortunate thing happened.... In the process of saving himself that kidnapper fired a bullet which unfortunately hit your father which caused him to lose his life.... But we didn't discussed about it ever as we thought that you and Avi  will blame Gaurav like Mahir did, when we told him about it.... I tried to make him understand but we ended up in an argument... That is the time I decided not to tell you guys about it as I didn't wanted you guys to hate Gaurav... But that was the most stupid decision of my life.... If I had told you about it before.... Mahir wouldn't have got the chance to manipulate your mind...." He said and looked at me with guilt filled eyes... But his last statement made me mad.

"You... Knew that.... Whatever happened till now you knew that.... You were aware that I was being manipulated but you never stopped him.... You never try to sought out the misunderstandings.... You never tried to stop me when I created that foolish business rivalry between mine and his company by snatching every project which he deserved.... You never stopped me when I was blinded by that stupid revenge.... Why?.... Why?" I shouted without carrying about anything.... I was angry and hurt....

"No Vansh... I didn't knew that until that day when I saw him talking to Myra mocking her when she was crying after your fight.... That day I confronted him and he told me about it... After talking to him I was sure that his condition is worsening.... I immediately consult his doctor and he told me about him having Scadenfreude...." Taking a pause in middle he again said "when you introduced Myra to him he was aware of Myra being Avanti's daughter as he never stopped stocking her... He instantly started to hate her because as according to him Avanti cheated him so Myra will also cheat you he tried to separate you both but you guys got married secretly which triggered him and he sent you those photoshopped pics to make you believe on his stories.... He was finding peace knowing that you guys are sad." He said and I stumbled back at this bitter truth.... I stepped back and left that place ignoring his pleading voice.

End of POV.


Unknown to them another person heard there conversation... Who also leave that place after Vansh and followed him.


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