Chapter 7

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after Sammy and I's little argument at the park I decided to drop ella back home and go back out. I'm not in the mood to go to sleep at the moment.
plus, I just need some alone time where my attention doesn't have to constantly be on ella.
to be completely honest, I miss sammy. since I've arrived back here in Omaha, I just feel like sammy and I don't know how to communicate without getting into an argument. I just really need to talk things out with him and set things straight.
I miss him and all I really want in life is to start off where sammy and I ended. I never thought the last time he wrapped his arms around me would be the time my life ended. I just miss his embrace wrapped around me. I miss sammy. yeah ive acted bitchy the last couple of days towards him but it's all because it's hard being back here where my life was great, back where everything started with him. Honestly, we were in ninth grade when I took off, and now four years later it's the summer going into our senior year and honestly, I want to start my senior year off with sammy. yeah maybe he's hooked up with girls in the past four years, but that was the past. Yeah, maybe sammy was the last person I hooked up with and I wasn't the last one that sammy hooked up with but that doesn't change my mind about us.

I creek open the front door and my mother is sitting in the living room reading a book in the dark with one lamp on. Maybe it's a book on how to become a better parent because she sure as hell needs that.
my mothers attention snaps toward me. " where the hell were you?" She snaps.
" well hello to you too." I state sarcastically.
" jenna where did you guys go?answer me."
"mom if you actually paid attention to me you would know I went for a walk with ella. I left two hours ago and you were perfectly fine with it. God, you're one poor excuse of a mother." I scowl at her. I'm so upset of what just happened between sammy and i so there's no way I'm putting a fake smile on for my mother.
" jenna can you not be more sympathetic and nice? this is not how I raised you! Be more respectful!" She spats.
" yeah well maybe I'll be more sympathetic when you start acting like a mother to your two daughters. you can get your dream daughter with her.." I say placing Ella in my moms arms.
" it's time you take responsibility for your Goddam kid for once." My mother becomes instantly silent and looks down and her hands. she fidgits with her hand then look right at me.
" im heading back home."
Are you fucking kidding me? She can change her life around here! We finally got away from our ungrateful father now she's running back! I look past her shoulder and see cardboard boxes stacked on cardboard boxes
" mom.." I say concerned.
" jenna, you've told me many times that I need to try harder and build a relationship with Ella, so I'm taking her with me to start a life on our own. We need to have a life whether you're in it or not."
" wait what? you're brining ella?"
" isn't that what you want?" She spats.
" you're blaming this on me now? I don't want you to take ella back home! I want you grow a relationship with her here!"
" jenna nothing's going to happen back home. Just Because he abused us once doesn't mean he will still abuse us now. you need to get over the fact that it happened and move on."
" it's that easy, huh? Really mom, just forget about it that easily?Do you think I asked for these scars mom? Do you think i asked for the miserable memories! He fucking caused us hell! Now you're gonna bring Ella into our life! Why can't you start a life here?" At this point I am screaming due to all the hell I've lived in for over the years.
" Jenna calm d--"
" no mother.. I will not calm down. I love Ella mom! You can't take her away from me! You can't bring her back to where our life's were miserable."
" you want Ella to stay but me to go? Do you not love me?" She says sadly like she doesn't already know the answer.
" no mom I don't. you've had chances to make me love you but you end up disappointing me with your retarted ass ideas. at this point I don't even want to call you mom. You made my life a living hell for years and I can never forgive you for that. " I say confidently without even second guessing myself.
" give it up jenna, c'mon"
Wow. Great mother i have.
I can't take this any longer.
I truly can't.
I turn away from my poor excuse of a mother and head towards the door.
My tiny hand touches the frigid metal door handle. I twist my wrist to turn it but before it opens i stop. I keep my hand on the handle and my gaze looks ahead, not turning back to my mother.
" do you love me mom?" I ask not even showing emotion in my sorrow voice.
1 second.
2 seconds.
3 seconds.
4 seconds.
5 seconds.
6 seconds
7 seconds.
8 seconds.
9 seconds.
10 seconds.
and still nothing.
I shake my head and giggle because of how pathetic she's acting.
" have fun mom getting abused again. don't come crying to me when your life becomes a living hell. See you later." I slam the door shut and run off the porch. A thin layer of tears cascade the rim of my eye.
I guess my mom chased after me because she's yelling at me from the outside porch. I stop in the drive way and listen to all the shit that's spilling out of her mouth.
" Jenna, stop! you don't understand what I've been through over these yea-" I cut her off by saying " don't fucking start with me mother. I do know what you've been though because Hello mom we went through it together. You were my best friend. You were fighting for our life's together and now you can't even tell me you love me? What hurts the most is that you won't let Ella stay here, where you know she'll be loved. What also hurts is your leaving me here. it's not like I want to fo back to our living hell but how can a mother just leave her daughter like this? Without a proper goodbye. what If something were to Happen to me while you were gone? Would you care because right now im under the impression you want me out of your life. If that's what you want, then just tell me, but know that I'll never run back to you. Sammys parents act more like my parents then you could ever act and you could never replace them." i fight back the tears through gritted teeth.
" Jenna wait. I do lov-"
" bye Chrissy." I cry. I turn around and run off to who knows where.
I run down the uneven streets holding back my tears. Once im out of breath I start walking. I look up at the sky and the bright moon, is the only thing giving me light. Memories flow back of sammy and I as I watch the moon be come my source of life.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2014 ⏰

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