First Impressions

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Their bodies had given it all to the dance that no longer could it do anything other than rest. With that, nobody could even think of the responsibility to cook. So there were only limited options that came with this mindset of each boy. They also could not risk ordering fast food when it was just two weeks into the comeback season. So what better than to eat out? But the boys were cautious of spending too much. Their wallets to be empty for the purpose of fulfillment in a sense. But the emptiness of the wallet just might make them empty their stomachs as well. But that was no problem for one boy.

 But that was no problem for one boy

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While the eight were packing, Chan was doing a headcount and noticed that one member was missing. Looking through the bowed heads, wondering who was missing? He swore that just a minute ago they were complete during practice. 

"Who's not here?"

At his remark, the others boy directed their attention away from their things. Checking in with one another. When Seungmin noticed who was no longer beside him, he was about to tell the worried leader. But the door got all their attention first, who also had the said missing boy. His muscles were tense and pushed to their extent just like the other boys. But the skip in his step and the awaiting eyes for them made him have a difference against his members. "Hurry hurry," his tone was not mocking nor panicking. It instead held a tone of wait and patience, yet amusement as if he knew more than they did. "I'm treating us out for food. I asked PD nim and he allowed it." Their brains loaded in what he said, a bit slower because of tiredness, but food sounded so welcoming. With that they all started packing their things, muscles protesting against fast movement but brain commanding as it too wanted food. 

Chan was one of the first to have gathered all he brought so he walked closer to Leon. Whose eyes were on the screen that reflected against his eyes with artificial brightness that might just bring the true mirth out. "You know you don't have to treat us." The younger boy's thumbs stopped meeting his screen and decided to direct all his attention to his hyung. His arms and hands found a place around his leader's shoulders as his phone was taken to his pocket. The corners of his lips turned up and brought out sincerity to his eyes that were now dark yet held warmth, not from a screen. But because of the older boy who only had a worry and maybe a bit of blemish to his eyes that hold the guilt. "Hyung, it's all good. I know you all deserve a little treat and me treating you all is fine. Don't feel guilty about it." The leader whose eyes met the younger boy still wanted to protest. But at the sound of their members whining about the food, he let it go. He just had to find a way to treat the younger boy on another day.

The group followed Leon who was at the front. His movements were a bit slow, as he too was tired yet who was complaining.  They did not even have the energy to hold a conversation on the way, instead of investing also in the source of artificial light. Yet in their silence, they wondered where they were going. But Leon's confidence even in his slower movements was evident so they didn't worry much. So when the boy stopped in front of a beautiful place, some might have drooled a bit. At the sight or at the possibility of food? Who knows. The place not too big nor did it attract attention in design but it was beautifully minimalistic. Only the hues of white, black, and wooden structures but it had a lavish touch to it. Leon opened the door for them and directed his members inside. He told the hostess something hushed and they were directed to a private room in the back. As they were getting settled, Hyunjin asked his Hyung a question. "Hyung what is this place?" The others leaning their head to hear the answer as well.

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