Chapter 1

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I never liked history. It was easy enough for me, but I've always been a strong believer that there was no point in studying things that happened years and years ago, because no matter how many times you look over it, it will never change. So when I'm sitting silently next to the window in first hour history, close to falling asleep in my state of boredom, it's a welcomed distraction when Mrs. Lowe stops her lecture to introduce a new student.

"Everyone, this is Wes Bradley, he's a new student here at Ridgeview. I trust you'll be kind to him as he gets adjusted here. Wes, you can have a seat next to Adam in the back there, Adam raise your hand, please." She smiles at Wes, leading him to his new seat.

I stare at this new guy, Wes, as he walks past. He really is a nice sight to look at, tall and somewhat muscular with dark brown hair. Unfortunately, from where I sit his face is hidden from my view. I can see, though, from the stares he's recieving from girls in the back of the classroom that he is not lacking in good looks.

As I continue to watch Wes slide into his seat beside Adam, he glances over at me. I turn my head back to the window, immediately feeling a heat on my cheeks as I blush. I slowly let my eyes wander back to the brown haired boy, and am surprised to see him watching me, too. He smiles at me, a dimple appearing on his gorgeous face. His piercing blue eyes travel over my face, before he gently raises his hand to wave.

Disregarding the deeper blush I feel spreading across my face, I lift my hand in a short wave back.

"Alright, everyone please quiet down so we can start the documentary we'll be watching for the next two days." Mrs. Lowe says, causing a light groan to echo around the classroom.

"Oh, you'll be fine!" She laughs at us, shaking her head as she starts the film.


When history ended, I rush out of the room, having packed up before hand. Ahead of me in the sea of students I see Macy, my best friend, standing at my locker.

"Macy there is a very attractive boy and I want him now help me look pretty." I say as soon as I see her. She laughs as I pout, running my hand through my dirty blonde hair, "Of all days, I didn't even try with my outfit or my face. I only put my mascara on, I must look like absolute shit." I continue, as Macy starts grabbing bobby pins out of her bag to pin up my hair.

"You look great, as always. You have nothing to worry about." Macy says, twirling a chunk of my hair to pull away from my face with a pin. I glance over her shoulder, and see Wes standing at a locker. Beside him is Rebecca Miller, a rude fake girl who seems to always move in on the guys I have an interest in.

"Shit...never mind, there's no point. Rebecca's got him." I say to Macy, stopping her hand as she begins to add a second bobby pin to my hair. She turns her head, and I run my hands through my hair, undoing her work.

"Wait, you mean the guy who's standing next to Rebecca staring at you?" Macy chuckles, causing my head to shoot up from its position staring at the ground. Sure enough, Wes is staring past Rebecca as she babbles on about God knows what, watching me. When he sees me looking, he smiles like he had in history.

"Wow, Ains he really is cute." Macy says, letting out a low whistle. I laugh and nod, still continuing to watch Wes. He looks down at Rebecca, putting his hand up and saying something to her. She nods and waves goodbye, walking away, and soon enough he's starting towards me and Macy.

I begin to blush, feeling the familiar heat covering my face. But before Wes can get to me, the warning bell rings, reminding me of the class I should already be on my way to, if I want to make it on time.

"Shit, I have to go, I'll talk to you later!" I say to Macy as I start rushing down the hallway towards my class, leaving Macy behind laughing at a confused Wes.

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