Chapter 3

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"Okay, what's your dream job?" Wes questions me on our way to sixth hour.

"Publisher. I've dreamed of it since eighth grade." I reply. Wes and I decided sometime after lunch last week that we wanted to be real friends, and ever since then, we play this question game he's come up with. It's not really a game, we just take turns asking questions about each other, but he's proud of the idea so I just let him ask his questions.

Now, whenever we're walking to class, or finish homework early, we'll just go straight into asking. It is nice, though, to learn random facts about Wes. I discovered his full name is Wesley David Bradley, after his father, and that his favorite color is green. I also learned that his family moved here for his mothers work, which is some kind of design company.

"Why did you decide to take up hockey?" I ask as we walk into our classroom.

"It was kind of to spite my dad. He wants me to be smart, not sporty. I mean, he's proud of me for being good at hockey, but he'd rather me study and follow in his footsteps to be a psychologist. Which I really, really don't want to do. So when I was seven and he was already giving me his own at-home lessons on psychology, I went to my mom and begged her to let me do a sport. It happened to be winter and I had just learned to skate, so I just went for it. I ended up loving it, so I kept at it. Luckily, hockey practice always got in the way of the time I used to spend in my dad's office, so it also got me out of that." He takes a deep breath, sitting at the table we've taken to sitting at together.

"Why don't you want to be a psychologist like your dad?" I say and follow his suit by taking a seat beside him.

"My dad just pushes it a lot, and puts pressure on me to 'get ahead of everyone else' and I don't know, I guess it just aggravated me. Even if I wanted to be a psychologist, or found any inerest in it, I wanted it to be my choice. Not my dad's."

"I understand that. When parents force you to do something it's never the same." i laugh, and he nods his head, agreeing.

"i actually did want to be a psychologist for a while, when I was younger. I looked up to my dad so much, and I wanted to be just like him. But then he started pushing the idea...and you know the rest." He chuckles, and slides down in his chair, "I'm so tired but I have to babysit Amber today. I love that kid but she's so hyper." Wes smiles and chuckles at the thought of his little sister.

"Do you want me to help out? All the homework I have will be from this class, anyway, so we can do it together. And I miss Amber." I smile, nervous I'm being too forward.

A smirk works its way onto Wes' face, "You just wanna come home with me." He says in a smug voice, raising his eyebrows at me.

I scoff, but still feel a slight blush fill my face. "Fine, have fun babysitting Amber all by yourself. I'm sure you'll at least get to sit for, you know, two minutes. Maybe." I smrik, knowing he's pouting. But I resist wanting to look at him, staring straight ahead.

"Oh please don't make me do it alone." Wes whines, lightly stomping his feet on the floor.

"You're such a baby." I laugh, turning to look at him, "But seriously, I'll help if you need it. Wow, I just realized we don't even have each others' phone numbers. Here, take mine, and if you want me to come watch her with you, just call me." I use this opportunity as an excuse to get his phone number, getting a piece of paper and scribbling down my number.

"Thanks, Ains. But I know I will want you to come with." He laughs, shoving the paper in his pocket. "So maybe you can come with me to pick her up and I can drive you home later?" He bites his lip, staring at me.

"Yeah. I drive Macy, but I can give her my keys and get my car when you drive me home. I think that can work." I smile, excited to hang out with Wes without being interupted by class and other people.

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