Chapter 5

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I spent the rest of the night finishing up homework and explaining why I didn't let my sister know I was at a boys house and why I almost kissed him. My mom thankfully told Olivia to back off, that she knew where I was and I'm allowed to kiss boys if I want to. Sometimes, I really wish Olivia had stayed in Seatle where she used to live.

Macy picked me up the next morning, asking for details on everything that happened the night before.

"My baby is finally growing up." She squealed. I roll my eyes, laughing at her and turning the radio on. She's driving my car, since she took it home for me yesterday.

"But anyway, I'm kind of nervous to see him this morning. I don't know if he will want to, like, hold hands like we did last night or if we're still just friends." I say, sighing. Wes texted me goodnight last night, but at that point I think we were both too tired to bring anything up, especially over text.

"Just see how it goes. You can tell he likes you, though." She smiles, pulling the car into a parking spot. We step out of the car, walking together into school.

"I really, really want to go back to sleep right now." She yawns, "I was up all night texting Jason." Jason is her boyfriend that's been sick for the past few days. He's a grade older than us, and has a different lunch period, but somehow they make it work. Mostly through texting all night long, apparently.

"That's really smart, considering the two tests you have today." I laugh, just as arrive at my locker. I unlock it and grab a couple of my books.

"Oh shit, I forgot about that math one." She groans, leaning her head against the locker next to mine.

"Morning." I hear a voice say behind me, and I jump in surprise. I turn around with a glare to see Wes bent over laughing at y reaction.

"I saw him coming, I would've warned but he motioned for me not to." Macy laughs, too, her and Wes high-fiving.

"You guys suck, that scared me." I take a deep breath, finally turning back around to put my jacket in my locker.

"Sorry." They both say at the same time, and Wes rests his head on top of mine as I shut the locker.

"I should get going, I have to turn in a late assignment. See you guys at lunch." Macy smiles at us and waves, walking off toward the stairwell.

"So, how much did your sister grill you last night? She looked pretty angry, even though it was only 9 when I brought you back." Wes laughs, and we start to walk to our first class.

"God I don't even get why she was so mad! My mom knew I was at your house, and Olivia had no reason to get pissed." I groan, running my hand through my hair.

"Well either way, I am sorry for causing that. Did she... you know, see us?" He asks quietly, biting his bottom lip.

"Yep. My mom was even okay with that, and yet Olivia was angry." I shake my head. "but she apologizes for being rude to you last night. She gets over protective of me a lot, and doesn't like not knowing where I am."

"It's fine, I get it. If I saw a guy trying to kiss Amber, I would've punched him, not just made him leave." He laughs, but there's a slight nervousness behind it. "Were you okay with that? I don't want to be weird, I would to know if I can try that again." He chuckles, and our hands brush at our sides. We walk inside our classroom, moving towards the back.

"Yes," I laugh, "You are definitely allowed to try that again." I say, smiling at him.

"Good to know. Oh! I was wondering, I have a game Friday night, and I was thinking you and Macy or some other friends would come watch and then you and I could go out afterwards, to dinner or something." He says excitedly.

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