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When Kylie looked at the clock a few hours later, she realised that her shift was ending in about fifteen minutes. The afternoon and evening had gone by quite slow. Not many people had come by, so it had been a quite boring day. But at least she had had time to read her book.

Ashton on the other hand was very happy that there had been a calm day. He had had a lot of time to look and talk to Kylie. He had also tried to figure out how he could get Kylie to agree on going on a date with him. But then he had also had time to overthink it and now he had decided that he shouldn't ask her right now at least. He had decided that they should get to know each other a bit more first. So no he just had to ask her if she wanted to hang out with him some day. Maybe today.

"What are you plans for the rest of the night then? Reading?" Ashton asked and smirked as he leaned on the counter.

"Are you making fun of me reading?" Kylie asked.

"Wha- No!" Ashton said quickly. "I'm sorry, I didn-"

Kylie burst out laughing and Ashton got ver confused. "I'm just joking with you, Ash. I don't really have any plans. I guess I'll just read. Why? Can you think of something better?"

Ashton breath out a breath he didn't know he held in. "I don't know if you necessarily would consider it as better than reading, but I can think of something else, yes."

"And what would that be?" 

"Well you could come back with me to my place or I could come to yours and we could hang out for a bit." Ashton said and smirked. He was feeling quite confident right now. "We could watch some movies or just talk or anything really."

"Sure." She said and smirked. She was starting to like Ashton like this. All confident. It was.. hot.

"Oh yeah?" Ashton said,  still smirking, but one the inside he was dying of happiness. "Yours or mine?"

 "Mine." She said. "I've classes tomorrow so I need my stuff."

"Oh, are we planing on a sleep over now, huh?" He asked, as they started to get ready for closing so they could get out of there faster.

"I'm not gonna let you drive home at midnight. What if you get lost or something and die?" Kylie said and Ashton laughed. "Shit, my roommate will be there."

"What?" Ashton said and frowned.

"My roommate has - ehm - some girl over tonight and I promise that I wouldn't bring anyone home today. So yeah.. It even took me awhile to even get him to agree that I could be there." Kylie said. "I guess we will have to take the sleepover some other time."

"But -"

"Have a nice night, Irwin."

And with that, she was gone.

✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿

"I'm home, Luke!" Kylie shouted as she stepped into the apartment.

She took of her shoes and walked into the living room area, where she found Luke sitting on the couch, with his hand in a bag of chips and a movie rolling on the tv. "Hello Ky."

She sat down next to him and stole some chips. "What are you watching?"

"I don't know. I think it's called Two Night Stand?" Luke said unsure and shrugged. "How was work?"

"Good, it just went kinda slow. Not many people stopped by today so I basically just read." Kylie said and focused on the movie. "Oh and I think Ashton flirted with me."

"Who's that?"

"You know Ashton that I work with? He's really funny and kinda hot."

"Oh yeah I know exaclty who you mean." Luke said sacasticlly. "But really?"

"Yeah and he asked me if I wanted to hang out and watch a movie tonight."

"And you said no?"

"Not exactly.. I said yes at first but then I said no."

"Why would you that? You said he was hot AND he flirted with you. You could have gotten laid, Kyles." Luke said and shoke his head in disapointment. "You really need to get laid. When was the last time you even had sex?"

"Luke!" She laughed. "I wouldn't have slept with him anyway. And you don't need to have sex to be happy. I, unlike you, can stay perfectly fine without sex."

Luke laughed loudly, like it was the funniest thing he had heard. "Sure, Kylie. Sure."

"You can!"

"Yeah right. So when was it? Two weeks? A month? Three years ago?"

"Fuck off, Luke!" She laughed and slapped him on his bicep.

✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿

When Ashton woke up the day after everything felt kinda good, until he remembered yesterday evening. He could have been waking up next to Kylie if he hadn't given up and let her leave. After she had left he had gone home and drank some beer with his roommates, Calum and Michael. He was mad at himself for not protesting when she said goodbye. He should have fought harder.

He sighed and left his very comfortable bed to get ready for work. In the kitchen he found Michael sitting at the table, eating some cereals and checking his phone. "Morning, Mike."

"Morning." Michael muttered without looking up from his phone. "Do you have work today?"

Ashton nodded and took out a bowl from the cupboard and filled it with cereals. "Yeah, why?"

"So you are gonna see Annie?" He asked, finally looking up at Ashton.

Ashton chuckled and shoke his head in approval. "Yes, I will."

"Oh cool. I might be stopping by later.."

Ashton laughed. "You n´know she's twenty-five, right Mike?"

Michael nodded. "Yeah, I know.. But age is just a number."

Ashton chuckled once again. Michael had had a crush on Annie since she started working at the café. Michael had walked in one day, saw her and after that he had developed a crush on her. From now on he always came to the café during her work hours as often he could. Ashton thought it was very funny but kinda cute. 

"Yeah, sure. But from all you know she might aswell already be married and have three kids at home."

"Maybe not." Michael said and put his bowl in the sink. "But from all we know she might aswell already wants to marry me and have three kids with me."

"We'll see, Mikey." Ashton laughed and shoke his head at his best friend.

✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿

a little chapter just to get this book going  :-)

QOTD: favorite cover that 5sos have done??

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