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One monday morning a few weeks later, Kylie had to walk to work alone. She usually always walked together with Annie on mondays, but yesterday Annie had texted her saying that she would have to walk alone the following day. Annie had apparently slept over at Michael and the other boys apartment last night and she said that she probably would get a ride from either Ashton or Michael.

Kylie didn't mind thought. She liked to walk whether she was alone or she was with someone. It was nice to get some fresh air and to take a look around, even thought she had seen the streets of London so many times, she always found something new to look at. Today it was even nicer because the sun was shining up in the sky and London was just really beautiful, especially in the mornings. One of the many things Kylie loved about the city was that the people was so nice and the beautiful mornings.

She hadn't been talking to - or seeing, for that matter - Ashton for a few days now. She had seen him at work of course, but they weren't really talking. Ashton was always to busy reading or helping a customer. Ashton had been non stop reading since Kylie had told him to read some of her favorite books in order to get her to agree to go on a date with him. He really wanted to go out with Kylie and if reading her favorite books was what was going to make her say yes, then he was so going to do that.

Kylie had given Ashton the first book last week and he started reading it immediatly. The first book she had given him was The Perks Of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky, which was one of those books she never grew tired of. She had lost count on how many times she had read it and she was almost a hundred percent sure that she always going to love.

Ashton was about halfway throught the book as he stepped into the café on the monday morning. He was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans (that he had realized, when he got into the car, was actually Calum's jeans) and a t-shirt filled with holes. He was wearing a pair of sunglasses over his eyes to hide the black under his eyes. He had been til really late last night reading. He had actually started to like the book and had a hard time to put it down. 

He maneged to unlock the door without having to lift his eyes from the page he was on and step into the café. He made his way to the staff room - bumping into the desk on the way - and sat down on the couch. He didn't even hear when Kylie entered the café, shouting a 'hello', and made her way to the back.

Kylie let out a laugh as she saw Ashton sitting and reading the book. She walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder, making him jump up and dropping the book to the floor. He placed his hand over his heart as he saw it was only Kylie and then looked down at the - now closed - book.

"Jesus, Kylie!" Ashton said and bent down to pick up the book. "Fück, now I don't know which page I was on."

"What was happening right before I scared you?" Kylie asked and sat down her bag on one of the chairs. She reached over to another chair and picked up her apron as she waited for Ashton to answer.

"Well, Charlie was just telling me that he was going to the Sadie Hawkins Dance with Mary Elizabeth." Ashton said and flipped the pages to try and find where he was.

"Check page 140 or something like that." Kylie said and made her way out to the counter to help the first customer of the day.

Ashton turned to page 140 and saw that Kylie was right. It was the exact side that he was on before she scared him. He looked up at Kylie and let out a small chuckle and shook his head. This girl was driving him crazy.

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"Hi, mum!" Kylie said happily as her mother answered her phone. "How are you?"

Kylie had just gotten her break and she had decided to call her mum since she just had realized that her mum would be up by now, on her way to work. Her mother was still living in Chicago along with her husband, Cole, and Cole's eighteen year old son, Danny.

"Oh, Kylie! I'm great, actually. Cole and I was just leaving for work." Jennifer - Kylie's mother - beamed and Kylie smiled. Whenever she spoke to her mother it made her really happy. Moving away from her parents in Chicago was hard, but it was something she really wanted and needed. "How are you, darling? It's been a while."

"I know. I'm sorry that I haven't called in a while, but I've been super busy with school and work.." Kylie started and ran a hand through her hair and then looking up to the door. Ashton was standing by the counter, helping a customer. "But I'm alright. Just tired, I guess."

"That's good to hear. You still living with Luke? And how's Annie? And how's work going?" Jennifer questioned making Kylie laugh.

"Okay, mum! One question at the time please." Shr chuckled. "Yeah, me and Luke are still living together."

"Oh? Anything going on between you two I should know about or..?"

"Mum! No!" Kylie said and laughed. "Me and Luke will never be more than friends, I can promise you that."

"Aw, I always liked that kid." Her mother muttered, making Kylie shake her head. "Well, any other boys I should know about?"

"Well.." Kylie started and glanced over at Ashton to see if he was near by. "There might be this one guy.. I work with him, actually he's my boss' son.. He's really nice and all but I don't know.. I think I like him a little."

"Kylie Jane! You have to tell me about these stuff! Is he cute?"

"Well, yeah." Kylie chuckled and blushed a little. This was the first time she actually had said that she liked Ashton as more than a friend out loud. It felt even more weird knowing that he was right in the next room.

Ashton on the other side of the wall, decided to walk in to the room the next second and Kylie panicked "Mum, I have to go, alright, bye." She spoke fast and hung up before her mother had the chance to say anything.

"Was I interrupting something or..?" Ashton laughed and looked at the - now read faced - girl in front of him.

"N-no. Not at all." She said quickly and gave him a short smile. She stood up and picked up her note pad, getting ready to get out there and work. "You didn't hear anything did you?"

"No? Was I supposed to?" Ashton said and frowned.

Kylie let out a breath and smiled, telling him no and then made her way out of the staff room.

But Ashton did hear. Everything.

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