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Ashton was very confused about the whole situation. He was also very annoyed with his so called friends that didn't want to tell him who was coming over. They claimed that it was better if he didn't know, which Ashton thought was complete bullshit. He thought he at least had the right to know who was coming in to his own apartment. Even thought he had been a complete dick earlier. He had actually apologized to them.

He got even more confused when Michael and Calum started to clean up and make the place look nice. The never did that. Only when there was someone really, really special coming over (and that wasn't often).

"Who the fuck is coming here?" Ashton asked, feeling very frustrated.

"Just help us getting the living room look nice, Ash." Michael mumbled and fixed the pillows on the couch. Michael never did that.

"Can't you just tell me?! I live here too you know!" Ashton shouted, making his friends stop with the tidying up and turn to look at him.

Calum opened his mouth to answear and tell his friend to chill the fuck down, but he got interrupted by a knock on the door. "Looks like you will find out now."

Michael hurried to the door and opened, welcoming the guests inside. "Hello and welcome to apartment de la awesome!"

Annie chuckled and stepped inside, Kylie and Luke following her. Kylie found herself looking around in the quite big aparment and her eyes immediatly stuck on Ashton, who's eyes were wide open. She waved to him, a bit awkwardly and bit her lip to hold in a small laugh. Ashton looked very suprised and Kylie thought he look very cute and also a bit funny.

Ashton shook his head to stop staring at the people (mostly Kylie) who just had entered his home. He waved back awkwardly to Kylie and mentally slapped himself for acting so weird. It was just Kylie, who he had been around almost everyday for the past six months and who now had rejected him. Nothing to be nervous about, right? After a few minutes Ashton realised that his gaze were still stuck on Kylie, who now was talking to Calum and the boy that had came with her. Ashton wondered who he was. Maybe it was her boyfriend, but that wouldn't make sense since she had told him that she didn't have time for a relationship. Maybe she had only told Ashton that as an excuse to not go out with him.

After all the hello's and the introducing, Ashton learned that the boy, Luke, actually was Kylie's roommate and he was actually a quite nice guy. Ashton still felt like he had something to do with Kylie saying no thought.

Now they all were sitting in the living room, waiting for Calum to pick a movie. Calum grew tired of everyone complaining so he told someone to go get some snacks while they waited.

"Why don't you go, Ash?" Michael said. He had an arm around Annie's shoulders and looked like he was going to explode with happiness and excitment any minute. "Take Kylie with you. She looks bored."

Ashton glared at Michael, realising what he was trying to do but still stood up and walked out to the kitchen. 

After a while of protestes Kylie took a deep breath and joined Ashton in the search for snacks. As she entered the room, she found Ashton searching through the fridge.

"Hello Augustus." She said with chuckled and leaned back against the counter.

Ashton rolled his eyes and stood up. He looked over at Kylie and immediatly forgot about the mean comment he thought about giving. She looked so beautiful. Ashton then realised how much he had actually missed her. He also realised that Calum and Michael was right. He shouldn't have given up after the first try. He liked Kylie more then that. He was not going to give up now.

"Hi." He said instead and smiled at her, a bit bigger then he was planning to. "How are you doing?"

"I'm fine, thank you." Kylie said and opened a cupbord to try and fina a few bowls. "How come you weren't at work yesterday?"

"I -uhm - ddin't feel alright." Ashton mumbled and scratched his neck. He didn't really want to tell Kylie that he actually had been home because he didn't want to see her.

Kylie knew he was lying though. Partly because Michael had told her and Annie that Ashton was being grumpy because Kylie had said no when he asked her out and partly because she wasn't stupid. Anyone could've guessed that that was the reason for Ashton to stay home.

"Oh, alright. So it had nothing to do with the fact that I said no when you asked me out?"

Ashton closed his eyes for a moment and let a quiet 'fuck' leave his lips. Of course she knew. Michael probably told her and Annie. Ashton sighed. "Maybe a little?"

Kylie chuckled and walked over to Ashton so she was now standing just a few centimeters away, which made Ashton's heart beat faster. Kylie's heart were almost beating as fast as Ashton's. She didn't really know what she was planning to do, but it felt right to be closer to him.

She laid her hand on his and suddenly she became really hot. She realised that she had missed his touch. Sure they were very touchy before either, but a simple hand on the shoulder or when their arms were touching while they were making coffee. During the day he had been gone she had realised that she actually might like him quite a lot. And that frightened her.

Ashton suddenly felt really confident and stepped even closer to her. They were almost chest to cheat now and Kylie started to wonder if he could feel her heart jumping in and out of her cest.

"Ashton," She breathed. "What are you doi -"

"Shh." He mumbled and placed his hand on each side of her head.

Kylie was almost afraid of what would come next but god, how she wanted him to kiss her right there. His gaze went down to her lips once before leaning in a little more so thier lips where now ghosting over each other.

"Kylie -" He breathed.

"God damn it, Ash." She mumbled and closed the gap between them.

The kiss was short and sweet and both of them wanted more as they moved away to look at each other. Ashton just smiled and brought their lips together once again. This kiss was rough and fast and their tounghs were raoming around but none of them complained about that. Ashton moved his hands to her hips and lifted her up so she could sit on the counter. He stepped inbetween her legs and her arms found their way around his neck. 

Kylie pulled herself closer to him and her lips started to go down to his neck, making Ashton moan. "Fuck, Kylie." He puffed as she found his sweet spot. "If you keep doing that I think we need to go my room."

Kylie smirked at his skin but didn't stop. She loved the affect she had hon the older boy and she loved hearing him whimper from her touch. "Maybe you should take me there then."

Ashton shivered as she spoke against his skin, thinking that the affect she had on him would drive him crazy. He placed his hand just under her ass as he was about to lift her to his room.

"Hey, Ash! Kylie! What is taking you so long?" Calum's voice shouted from the living room, making them jump away from each other. They had forgotten tha fact that they weren't alone in the apartment. "You have been in there forever."

"We.. We are coming mate!" Ashton shouted back, still out of breath from what just had happened.

Kylie chuckled and jumped down from the counter, fixing her shirt and hair while looking in the microwave glass. She turned around and looked at Ashton, who currently tried to fix his hair. "Here let me help."

Ashton let her fix his hair so it looked fairly good. "That was quite fun." He said and she smirked.

"Looks like you might have thought it was a little more that 'quite fun'." She laughed as she pointed at his very visible boner.

"That is all your fault." Ashton blushed and covered it with his hands, making Kylie laugh. "I need to go to the bathroom to fix this, wanna help?"

"Nah, it wouls be too suspicious." Kylie said and grabbed the bowls, ready to walk out to her friends. "You might wanna cover up that hickey while your at it!"

Ashton put his hand on the spot where she had formed a very visible hickey and sighed.

This girl was driving him crazy.

✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿

hi hello hola hej what's up how's it going
so new chapter, what do you think? 

QOTD: favorite hair color on Michael????

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