Touch Starved

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Sky sat on the front deck, staring at the water ahead of them, as well as their idiot friends being idiots on Mark's boat.

"I'll still never get used to the view here," they spotted a new set of feet next to them as the person took a seat, admiring the view along with them.

They nod, "right." They assumed he would have wanted to watch alone, not so sure he would want their company. They stood up, alarmed by how close together they had been sitting, and walks back into the house.


After a few minutes of sitting outside he enters the house again, spotting Sky at the table reading a book. He reads over their shoulder for a moment, resting on hand on the table, "what're you reading?"

"Ah, just a horror mystery novel, I doubt you'd be into it..." they mutter, shutting the book after slipping a bookmark into place. "I'm gonna go find the fools, it's almost dinner," they motion to the clock, getting up from their seat and heading out the front door.


The next time they both saw eachother was when the group returned from the boat and everyone headed inside, leaving Sky and Miles both on the deck stairs.

"I'm gonna go-" they start but are cut off.

"Don't-" he pins them to the railing, both hands resting on the rail next to their body. "-leave... Please..." he mutters, his confidence dwindling.

"What-?" They scan his face for any sign as to why he might be doing this, and was greeted with a flustered and anxious look.

"I just..." he trails off, words caught in his throat.

"You look like you need hugs," they grin widely, pulling him into a tight embrace.

"Oh-" he's shocked at first, but melts into it, relishing in the warmth.

"So, what about dinner- oh." Micah interrupts.


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