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If there was one thing about Derik and Sky that isn't already obvious enough, it's that neither of them are easily traumatized. Even if a love one has died, they learn to move on.

Hence why Sky stood next to Miles and Phoenix, cheering on Derik who skated proudly on the ice. They would have totally joined him out in the rink, but their injured arm prevented them from playing in the game.

The death of Casper hurt them both greatly, but it didn't stop them from taking part in the sport they both adored.

The rink was packed, as it was the first game since the place had been reopened after the investigation.

Their arm brushed against Miles' and they were brought back into reality. They felt him shiver and hug his arms, his sweater clearly not doing enough to prevent the cold.

"You're a fool." They rolled their eyes at him. They had told him to bring a coat, but like the stubborn bitch he is, he denied needing one.

"Excuse me?" He inquires bitterly.

"Oh, right. Context." They snicker, "you're cold." They state the obvious.

"No, really?" He sarcastically rolls his eyes.

"I was gonna offer you my blanket, but if you're gonna be a senseless prick, I might just keep it for myself." They pout. And yes, it is common for people to bring blankets to hockey games.

"Oh, okay..." he has a bit of regret in his tone, worried he might have legitimately offended the enby.

A few awkward minutes pass and Miles is about to loose it, the air felt thick and he was starting to loose focus from the amount of deprecating thoughts going through his head. He feels something being draped over his shoulders and he turns to face the enby next to him.

"You're gonna get sick, or some shit." They glare playfully at him.

"How aggressive. Are you always friendly in this way?" He raises an eyebrow, adjusting the blanket Sky had thrown over his shoulders. He relishes in the warmth, quite thankful the enby had given it to him.

"Don't speak so condescendingly to me." They mutter embarrassingly.

"Oh," he takes note of how he probably sounded unintentionally rude. "Sorry." He apologizes. "Thank you." He smiles shakily.

They don't meet his eyes, but they can see that he's smiling. "No problem! I like the cold here anyways."

They'd deal with the cold if it meant thawing the ice around Miles.

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